♚《3》 Past times♚

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[Ciel's P.o.v]

I drank my earl gray in peace while eating some blueberry scones. As always, my day is busy, so I have to energize myself to do my work, until my next meal.

"Sebastian, my schedule," I spoke.

"Today at twelve o'clock you have a meeting with Mistress (L/n). The Queen has paired you both up to discuss the recent killings for a mission."

Wat.... Mistress (L/n)?. Could it be (Y/n)?

"Sebastian, what is her first name?"

"(Y/n). Milord."

I glared at him angrily. "Why the bloody hell, hadn't you told me this earlier?" I stood up.

Sebastian simply smirked and bowed down, "My sincerest apologies milord. It seems I have forgotten."

I clicked my tongue and sat down to continue drinking my tea. My thoughts started to wander and I began to think about, the last time I had seen her...


"CIEL, GREY, (Y/N)!!~ Let's play hide and seek!~ I'll be it!!!" Lizzy cheered and ran off to count.

Grey, who sucked dearly at hide and seek, leaped into a green bush to hide. I looked around, wondering where I should hide.

My thoughts were suddenly, stopped when (Y/n) grabbed my hand and ran off to somewhere else within the Phantomhive Estate. I looked to where we were and we were in a clearer part of the Estate. It as mainly plants the grew wild, and some trees.

Though soon, these plants would be moved and this area would be a garden.

"Here Ciel! Let's hide in the tree!" I nodded and climbed up after her. Once we sat, beside each other on the branch, I looked around to see if Lizzy was here

I looked back over to (Y/n), to catch her staring at the sky. She sang quietly while I listened.

Breathing you in when I want you out

Finding our truth in a hope of doubtLying inside our quiet drama
Wearing your heart like a stolen dream
Opening skies with your broken keys
No one can blind us any longer

We'll run where lights won't chase us
Hide where love can save us
I will never let you go

I smiled at wider at (Y/n). I was in love with her, even though we were just children. Perhaps this was what a childhood crush was.

Suddenly our moment together was broken when Elizabeth and Grey started to yell,



^^^^ Back to the Present ^^^^

"Milord, Lady (L/n) is here," Sebastian said.

"Ah I see, I'll be out there now." I stood up from my seat and walked out the room through the halls into the living room.

There she stood at the entrance of the room.

Her soft (H/l) hair...

Her warm (E/c) eyes...

Her familiar welcoming aura...

She's back. I can't believe it.

She looked up at me from the staircase.

"Hello Lord Phantomhive."

A/n; The lyrics are from Spectrum from Zedd :)

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