♚ 《Ciel Ending》 ♚

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"I'm in love you Ciel."





"I knew you'd finally come to your senses."

That fateful day is what brought us to where we are today.

"Sis! I brought Cecilia home!" I heard Yosuke walk yell from the living room. I walked out into the kitchen and a little girl with navy-blue hair and (E/c) eyes ran in.

"Mother!" She ran toward you until she tripped her on her light blue dress. The dress seemed unfamiliar to you. You looked at her dress, wondering where she had got it from. The dress was very sparkly, not to mention it had very many frills and layers. It actually looked a lot similar to Cinderella's dress.

"Where'd you get that dress from?" You asked as you helped her up. "Auntie Lizzy gave it to me! Isn't pretty?!" She said jumping up and down.

Yosuke chuckled.

"Our course it's beautiful dear, but you look pretty in whatever clothing you wear." I ruffled her hair.

"But not as pretty as you! You're like a princess!" She cheered, her eyes sparkling at the sight of you.

"Ah, dear your mother's not a princess." Ciel walked in, smiling at you.

You felt my heart race, seeing him smile. Even after so many years, he still managed to make you feel so jittery under his gaze.

"I don't get it, what do you mean she's not a princess?!" Cecilia jumped. This child seemed to exaggerate every little thing she did.

"Your mother is a queen Cecilia, you're the princess." He got down on one knee and ruffled her hair.

"Then.... That makes you the king!" Cecilia pointed at him, accusingly.

"Indeed you're correct. My... you're quite clever!" He remarked, smiling Cecilia.

"Yuh-huh, it's because I'm like six years old! I have six years of life experience! That's like a lot!!!" She spun around on her tippy toes.

"Pardon me." Light entered the room.

"It's time for me to start Cecilia's lessons."He spoke, pushing up his glasses. Cecilia had gone into town with Sebastian one day she said she wanted to gift him something, so he gave them to Light.

"*Ahem* I thought that I was the one to start her lessons for today." Sebastian appeared, next to him.

"Master?" They looked at Ciel and you.

"Yosuke, you decide." You said with a smile

Yosuke sweatdropped, Hey sis, no need to drag me into this!" He backed away from the two demons glaring at one another.

Ⓨⓞⓤⓡ Ⓟ.ⓞ.ⓥ

"Thanks, dear Brother!~" I smiled at him, taking Ciel with you in another room, where the two of you would be alone.

Second Person P.o.v

Ciel smiled at you and kissed you lovingly, the moment you were alone. You responded back, wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing him in closer. Ciel licked the bottom of your lip for permission and you playfully denied.

Ciel smirked a little at your defiant manner. He traced his hands up and down your body, suddenly trailing them up to your chest. He squeezed you and you gasped.

This was definitely not gentlemanly behavior.

He slipped his tongue into your wet cavern, and the two you began to fight over dominance. Ultimately it ended in his favor, as he explored you further.

Ciel moved his head down to your neck and started to spread butterfly kisses. You let out quiet moans, in hope the other people wouldn't hear you.

"Maybe we should get started on a second child now..." Ciel said, his hot breath hitting your skin.

"Ciel...it's still daytime you know-"

Ciel stopped his lips with yours, cutting you off abruptly.

"*BARK *BARK!!!" Pluto ran into the room and you and Ciel let go of each other. Light and Sebastian walked in and smirked at the two of you.

"Mother! Father!" Cecilia came in after them and jumped on Pluto.

Pluto whimpered, under her sudden leap, but didn't complain. He was luckily not in his human form. He was actually like a wolf right now. No, not the giant one he usually is.

"Me and Pluto and Light and Sebby and Finny and Mey-rin and Bard are gonna go play in the garden! Do you guys wanna come?!" She said excitedly.

"Of course we'll join you!" I said happily.

"Yay!!! Sebby! Light! Go get the food and bring it outside!"

"Yes, milady!" The two said, scurrying off.

"Onward Pluto! The garden is where we shall go!" Cecilia said, giddying Pluto like a horse.


He broke out into a sprint towards the garden

You smiled at Ciel and held his hand, and the two of you walked to the garden together...

𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮  𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻...

"Pluto use your magic fire powers to set this bush on fire!" Ciela shouted.

"*Arf!*" Pluto shouted and ran towards the bush!

"No milady! You mustn't tell Pluto to do that!" Finny ran in hopes to prevent the energetic puppy and his owner.

"Gahhh! No, it's on fire!" Mey-rin shouted, panicking.

"It's alright! I can fix this!" Bard ran in, holding his flame-thrower.

"Nooo!! Finny exclaimed, waving his arms frantically.

"Muahahaha! Pluto and I shall take over the garden! FIRST THE GARDEN, THEN THE WORLD!!! HAHAHA!" Ciela said, placing paper crowns on her head and Plutos.

"What do we have here?" Sebastian asked, walking into the garden casually.

"We... uhh-"

"Light!" Mey-rin shouted as he suddenly appeared taking out the mini fire, and confiscating Bard's flamethrower...

You laughed at all that had happened in front of you, and he watched you as this all happened...

Ciel P.o.v

Everything around me started to go into a silence as I stared at her.

Her soft (H/l) hair blew against the wind lightly.

Her warm (E/c) eyes watched our daughter play with the servants and our dog.

Her familiar welcoming aura filled the air all around me, making me remember all we had gone through.

"Ciel, why are you looking at me like that?" She turned around, facing my direction.

"No reason why."

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