4. Water falls

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We see the house
Steven:"I'm grounded?" He asked
Izuku:"yes you're grounded"he said back to Steven
Amethyst:"yeah and we're serious about it" she said as she has a shovel
Steven:"not litera-, dad?" he was interrupted by Greg as he barges through the door
Greg:"uhh you guy might want to check this out" he said in a worried tone

Change of scenery
A bunch of people are seen complaining about something
Steven:"the ocean!" He said
The ocean was gone
Dewey:"hey it's those magical lady's, what is going on here?!" He asked with panic
Garnet:"the ocean is gone" she stated
Dewey:"that's right, know it's a desert, no one wants to take a vacation to 'desert City' ?!"
He stated in a annoyed tone and slightly crying
??:"and all the women?!" Some kid cred out
Everyone started to complain
Mayer Dewey started to yell at izuku
Dewey:"as Mayer I demand to kn-" izuku sliced through the megaphone with his gem weapon
Izuku:"it was lapiz lazuli" he said
Steven:"lápiz lazuli?"
Garnet:"yes the gem you freed from the mirror" she stated as pearl made a hologram of her
Steven:"but she a gem just like us" he stated unsure
Pearl:"there's a lot that you don't know about gems Steven" she said

A while later
Steven is seen paking stuff in his backpack as the gems discussed about lapiz lazuli
Pearl:"how could I have known that the game contained inside that mirror could be so powerful?" She asked the others
Amethyst:"where are you going Steven?" She asked
Steven:"I'm going to fix what I caused" he stated back
Greg:"wait up kiddo, I'm coming with you"
Connie:"I want to help too, also I feel weird being in your house when your not here" she said uncomfortablely
A lion pat Stevens head
Pearl:"clearly we're coming too" she had a small grin on her face
Garnet:"your ungrounded by the way" she said with a small smile
Amethyst:"woohoo road trip!" She screamed

Change of scenery

Mayer Dewey was seen crying and with a hose doing... something
And I'm the background you can see a van and a lion going to get the ocean back
In the van
Greg:"how about some tones, this was one of roses favorites" the song played as the gems seem to be suffering from it
Izuku is seen on top of the van
Greg:"what do you think garnet?" Garnet process to jump out of the van and roll

Later on
Garnet is on the top of the van with izuku on her lap so they can both be there, and inside the van everyone except pearl are asleep as pearl drives
The same on lion, Connie is asleep as Steven is awake
Steven:"i can't believe lápiz would do this, gems shouldn't fight each other" he stated sadly
Pearl:"were always fighting gems actually" she said with a look of regret
Steven:"wait what?"
Pearl:"how do I put this, all gems aren't necessary good" she continued
Amethyst:"all those monsters we fought used to be just like us, right pearl?"
Pearl:"yes but they became corrupt and broken, we have to take care of them, capture them it's the best we can do for now, if we don't then"
A light glows over them, a giant Piller of water is seen, a look of surprise on everyone but garnet and izuku
Gernet:"lapiz is here"
Pearl:"I don't understand why she needs the ocean" she stated
Connie:"it's like a giant aquarium" she said as she looked at the fish
Lapiz:"you shouldn't be here!"
Izuku:"she sense use" he said as he prepared for a fight
Steven:"lapis lazuli it's me Steven!" He shouted at the Piller
A face made from the water is formed
Lapis:"go away or I make you go" she said in a frustrated tone
Steven:"but we're beach summer fun buddy's!"
The face changed shape, turning into Stevens face and shouting no
Lapis:"your one of them, your a crystal gem"
Pearl and amethyst got mad from the statement
Steven:"what do you mean, were all gems, please let us help you" he said
Lapis:"you don't understand, just leave me alone" the face disappeared
Steven:"were not leaving lapis not until you give us back the ocean" he said as he slaps the water
A replica of Steven made of water grabbed Steven and launched him to the others
Izuku:"got him"
More replicas of them started to appear
Lapis:"not until you leave me alone"
Pearl:"Greg, kids y'all stay behind us until we deal with this" she told them
Greg:"that's fine by me"
The gems get there weapons ready except izuku
Garnet:"fight together, don't let them separate"
The water garnet punched garnet, launching her away
Steven:"garnet!" He shouted with worry
Garnet got up from the attack, cracks her neck and gets ready for a fight, they launched at each other making a crater at the center, garnet ducked under and punched the water copy on the head making it splash apart, all it did was reform
And proceeded to kick garnet the fight continues until we see a pink lion fight with a water Steven

With izuku

Izuku was just sitting with his copy drinking tea as he provided some assist to them

Back with Steven
Lion was launched, hitting the van
Steven and Connie:"revenge!" They both shouted
As they throw rocks and shot water at the copy, the water copy proceeded to try to drown them, Greg ran over the copy
Steven:"Connie!" He shouted with worry
Greg:"is this a normal magical miss-"
He was cut of by the copy of Steven launching him into the sky
Steven:"dad!" He shouted
The van crashed into the ground
Greg:"I think my leg is broken, this is why we wear seat belt kids"
Izuku walked up to them and offered a piece of pie that was glowing a faint green
The water Steven was looking in there direction with a water bubble
Steven:"lapis I don't what to fight any more!" He shouted
The water copy throw the water bubble at him
Steven:"i said that I don't want to fight!" He used his shield to block the attack, making a sound wave that destroyed the water copy's, the shield disappeared
Steven walked up to the Piller of water
Steven:"lapis i'm coming up to see you, so please dont drown me" he asked kindly
He jumped into the Piller and was brought to the top

At the top

Lapis:"what are you doing here Steven"
Steven:"what, no what are you doing here, this thing, the ocean, this is crazy!" He shouted
Steven:"can't we work this out, we gem should be friends"
Lapis:"don't you know about anything Steven, your friends don't care about other gems, all they care about is the earth, but I never believe in this place" she says as she looks at the stars

Steven was released as lapis sits on top of the pillers
Lapis:"I just want to go home"
Steven:"I know how important home can be, but that's why I'm here you took the ocean and the ocean is an important part of my home" he said as he looks at the stars with her
Lapis:"Im only using the ocean because my gems cracked, only if I could have stretched it far enough, ugh this is never going to work"
Steven:"I can fix your gem, I have healing powers"
Lapis:"you have healing powers?" She asked with surprise
Steven:"I know right!" He shouted
Lapis:"what should I do?" She shows her gem
Steven:"uhh well this is going to be a little weird"
He said as he lick his hand and wipes it on the gem...but nothing happened
Izuku:"you shouldn't use your powers with out training raven"
Lapis prepared to attack
Izuku:"Im not here to fight" he said as lapis launched an attack at him, but he had dissipated the attack
Izuku walked up to her offering a piece of pie
Izuku:"here take it"
Lapis:"what is it"
Izuku:"it's a piece of apple pie" he stated
Lapis:"what do I do with it?"
Izuku:"well, you eat it"
Lapis takes a bite out of it, a glow comes from her gem as the cracks close up and wings sprouted from it
Lapis:"thank you, both of y'all"
Izuku and Steven:"no problem/ no prob bob"
Izuku just stared at him with a questioning look
Lapis:"ok bye" she flys off
Izuku grabbed Steven and jumped of the Piller

At the bottom
Garnet:"the pillers coming down" she informed the rest
Greg:"what about Steven!"
Izuku:"I got him" he said with a smile on his face
Izuku picks up a chest from a small cave before leaving with the rest

Change of scenery

Beach City is seen as the ocean comes back, everyone is cheering
The van is damaged
Pearl:"what's that thing you say about pork chops" she asked Greg
Garnet:"so lapis made it off planet"
Pearl:"what does this mean for us?"
Izuku appears behind them
Izuku:"we wait and see" he responded as he tried to hide something
As the sun goes down

A while later

Izuku is seen looking at a green bubble
Izuku:"finally, I finally found you" he said looking at a sapphire in the bubble

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