12. Escaping Gems

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Singing can be heard throughout the green hallways
A door with a sign indicating it was a lab
Izuku is seen bound to an operation table
His skin glowed a vivid red and his eye showed an empty void of white
He looked around the room seeing tools and test tubes, he noticed that a control panel was right beside him

A noise came from outside the room and a voice spoke to someone
Voice:"the point of coming here was to check on the cluster" the voice stated
Voice 2:"stop singing!, rose quartz is our priority get back to the bridge and set a course to homeworld" she ordered

The door to the lab opened and Jasper walked in
Jasper:"well, well, well look what we have here Yellow Diamond's experiment" she said in a mocking tone
Izuku:"what do you want?" He said seriously
Jasper:"well I initially wanted for you to join us, but it looks like it's not possible" she said with an eye roll
Izuku:"you know I will never join y'all, because I already desided to protect my family" he said with a blank look
Jasper:"Gems don't have family" she said firmly

Jasper walked out of the lab
Izuku tired to reach for his pockets but it's too far
The doors reopen as a short gem walks in
A blue gem with a sapphire gem in her right arm
Sapphire:"hello izuku, do you need assistance?" She said in a joking manner
Izuku:"na I'm fine haha" he laughed softly
Sapphire reached for the control panel and pressed a yellow button
The binds that hold izuku were released and izuku gets up
Izuku:"how did you get out?" He asked
Sapphire took out a plate out of her hair
Izuku:"uhh...do you always keep one on hand?" He asked with a questionable look
She nodded
Izuku:"alright" he picks up the smaller gem
Sapphire:"I feel small, izuku can you fuse with me?" She asked
Izuku:"sure" he said with a smile

They dance to fuse, a soft glow appears from there gems
After they fuse there was a new fusion gem, teal skin, three eyes all in a royal blue color about the height of Garnet
Teal:"hmm what to call ourselves...Teal shall be our name" she said to herself
Teal started to walk out of the room
Teal:"let's look for Ruby" she said to herself

She walked the halls until
Steven appeared from one of the halls with a small red gem
Ruby:"sapphire?" She asked looking at the gem in the right hand of the fusion and started to tear up
Teal unfused
Sapphire:"Roby!, are you alright?" She asked with worry
Ruby:"I'm alright, are you?!" She asked in panic
Sapphire:"yes, I am now" she said with joy
They spin around and start to fuse until Garnet is formed again
Steven:"Garnet, you a fusion?!" He asked with surprise
Garnet:"oh Steven, I didn't want you to figure this out so soon, go find the others" she said and kissed his forehead
Footsteps were heard from the hallway they came from, and Jasper walked in
Jasper:"you escaped?!" She said from behind them and took out her weapon and a gem destabilizer
Jasper:"and y'all fuse, don't you know that fusion is a cheap trick to make weak gems stronger!" She shouted
Garnet laughed and looked at izuku
Garnet:"izuku fuse with me" she said
Garnet and izuku kissed and fused with each other
A large fusion is for but it reduced its size
The gem fusion got ready to fight
Lunar:"come at me" she said with confident smile
Jasper lunged at the fusion with a insane smile

Jasper stabbed the gem with the destabilizer, but the energy from the weapon was absorbed
Lunar:"that won't work on me!" She said as she punched her in the face
The attack launched Jasper away from Lunar
Jasper:"is that all you got?!" She shouted with anger and throw away the destabilizer

With Steven
Steven is seen running to two cells right beside each other, inside is amethyst and pearl
Steven:"come on guys we have to go!" He shouted releasing them

They ran to the control room
Inside is seen Peridot seen controling the ship
She turned around to find Steven running at her
She takes a destabilizer and swings at Steven
Steven is not effected by the weapon
Peridot is tied up by Amethyst

Peridot:"don't touch that, you clods don't know what your doing!" She shouted
Amethyst:"go on pearl, you can do it!" She motivated her
Pearl:"let's turn this ship around!" She shouted putting her hand into the control panel

With Lunar and Jasper
The floor under them broke from the first of their attacks
The power source of the ship is seen in the middle of the room they fell into
Jasper dashes at Lunar with a powerful attack
Lunar redirects the attack to the power supply electricuting Jasper

The ship starts to fall being taken by the atmosphere of earth
Lunar appears running to the control room
Lunar:"this ship is going down" she shouted
Steven:"what about lapis!" He shouted In question
Lunar:"there no time" she said as she grows in size and covers them with her body

The ship is seen until it crashes onto the hill side of beach city beachband explodes

Lunar got up from the rubble and unfused
Izuku:"we made it" he said with relief
Garnet:"..." She stayed silent
Steven:"I can believe you were a fusion all along!" He shouted with excitement
Garnet:"we were waiting for your birthday to tell you" she said
Someone bursted out of the rubble
Jasper is seen with damage visible
Jasper :"you only beat me because you fuse, if I had someone to fuse with I-" she was cut of by lapis who had appeared from the rubble
She tried to fly off but she was grabbed by Jasper
Jasper:"come here brat, don't go so soon, lapis they imprisoned y-" she was cut of by izuku shooting a attack made from the energy he absorbed from the gem destabilizer's
Izuku:"that should do" he said while lowering his hand
Steven ran to Jasper gem and bubbled it
Steven:"at least it's over" he said
Lapis:"what will happen to me?" She asked with a panicked look
Izuku:"you can live in Greg's barn" he suggested
Lapis:"what a barn" she asked
Izuku:"well" he didn't get to finish because Steven phone started to ring

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