16. Road Trip!

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No one's pov
As the calming silence of the view on the Cliff side from the temple, izuku is seen resting on top with Garnet as they talk
Izuku:"you can't stay mad at her forever you know that right?"
Garnet's fist's clenched with rage and fury as she looked at the view of the ocean, but she slowly calmed down after a while of hearing the silence

Izuku got up from the grass and took Garnet's hand and started to dance with them
The dance was slow and calm as they look at each other's eyes with love and happiness

Izuku suddenly picked her up, surprising her and hugged her, a sudden glow came from their gems as they fused into Lunar

Lunar looked around and then jumped to the sand right in front of the temple before sitting down and relaxing in the sun

Pearl and Steven walked out of the temple and saw the interaction in-between them and walked in a nervios way to the fusion
Pearl:"Garnet!, I was just looking for Peridot she's bound to be somewhere right?, any new ideas?"

There was no response from Lunar just an expression of disappointment and rage behind the visors covering her pitch black eyes
She just sat there menacingly
Pearl:"I'm sorry" she looked down while saying this
There was no response
Suddenly Greg is seen running to the yelling out something
Greg:"who wants to go on a road trip!"
He looks at them with a smile before realizing the situation
Greg:"umm is this a bad time?"
Lunar looks at him with a soft smile
Lunar:"no please continue"
Greg:"well I need to drive to the state of keystone to pick up some brushes that I bought for real cheap"
Pearl:"you mean the keystone state"
Steven:"I don't like those brushes they feel weird on your feet"
Greg:"well do you like motels"
Greg:"Well would you like to spend sometime with your favorite dad!" He joked
Steven:"well I can't say your my favorite dad" he smile jokingly
Greg looked at him with confusion before smiling and hugging him
Lunar raised her hand
Lunar:"I'm coming too"
Steven smile while Pearl looked at them with disbelief
Greg:"road trip!"
Steven:"road trip!"
Lunar:"road trip" she smile as she walked to the temple
Lunar:"Eri come here"
Eri ran to her with a smile
Eri:"Mama, Papa what are you doing?" She asked making a cute face out of curiosity
Lunar:"well I'm going on a road trip, would you like to go with us or stay?"
Eri was in thought before responding
Eri:"Will it be fun?"
Lunar:"it will"
Eri jumped from the stairs and ran to one of Lunar legs before hugging her
Lunar picked Eri up from the ground before walking to Greg and Steven
Lunar:"we're ready to go"

A while went by as Garnet, izuku, and Eri are seen in the back seat withing to get to the Motel
When they got there izuku helps Garnet lift luggage before entering with Eri on his shoulder
Steven:"I'm going to swim in the pool, watch a movie and stay up all night, it's going to be great!"
Steven jumped onto the bed and landed with a bounce

Izuku and Garnet set the luggage on the ground next to the bed before sitting down on the bed as well
Greg got ready to pick up his brushes
Greg:"y'all don't mind holding down the fort while I'm gone"
Garnet twitch slightly but gave a thumbs up
Greg:"if I'm not back in an hour call the police"
He smile before walking out

Steven:"ok" he looked at his Father before he left
Garnet:"I'm not forgiving Pearl, well if you wont listen then you can just go!"
Garnet tried to keep herself together by grabbing her shoulder and pulling them towards each other but she failed to do so

She un-fused as Sapphire and Ruby fell, izuku catched them in time before they could hit the ground, he put them down on the floor

Sapphire:"we must get past this"
Ruby:"she lied to us and tricked us so we can form Sardonyx with her, don't you feel used!"
Sapphire:"I do feel used, but there are more important things then being mad at her"
Ruby:"fusion is personal to use, it's what we use to express our love for each other"
She yell in disbelief
Sapphire:"I know your angry but we must get past this"
Ruby:"it's like you aren't angry about this!"
A few tears well up in Ruby's eyes before she ran out of the door and dragging izuku with her
Sapphire looked at them with a tear fall before it was fozen into an ice spike

Eri watched this interaction with tears in her eyes
Steven:"nice to see you again?"
Sapphire:"ice to see you to Steven"
She giggled to calm herself down
Eri laught with her

Izuku pov
While with Ruby and me, she pacing around the pool before I got in to enjoy the soothing cold
Izuku:"come on Ruby enjoy the water with me please"
Ruby looked at him with a small blush before walking up to him
Ruby:"she doesn't understand the situation we're going through"
Izuku:"yes she does, it's just that she wants this to get over with because she know it's for the better"
He said as he hugged her
Ruby looked at him with rage before realizing that she only wanted to be angry about the situation
Ruby looked at him with guilt
Ruby:"I'm sorry I hurt you and her"
Izuku:"all is forgiven"

Ruby fiddles with her fingers before asking something she considers embarrassing
Ruby:"I k-know you fused with S-sapphire and I wanted to feel the feeling it provides with you"
I looked at her surprised with this request before smiling a warm smile

No one's pov
Izuku picked Ruby out of the water before kissing her on the lips
A huge blush appeared on her face before they fuse into a tall gem with a beautiful light brown color to their skin and a dark brown color to their hair
They were wearing a dress that had red and green strips, when they opened their eyes they were a ssft color red
Steven watch the whole interaction in-between them
Steven:"hey guys can I name this fusion?"
They nodded
Steven looked at them thinking of a name
Steven:"what about Plum"
They nodded before they un-fused

Suddenly Greg's van got there as he smile at them
Greg:"who wants pizza!"
Steven ran to him as izuku walked to the room and talked with Eri and Sapphire

The next day they are seen inside the best dinner in the world
Izuku looked at the place with hate and anger
Sapphire:"what's wrong?"
Izuku:"I hate when Steven doesn't eat what I make sometimes, but what can I do?" He concluded

As they eat in peace the day went on with no sudden surprises or events
When they got home.pearl is seen waiting for them
Pearl:"how did it g-" she was cut of by Garnet
Garnet:"not now"
Garnet walked away
Pearl:"she talked to me!" She sounded excited and relieved

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