15. A Hateful Day

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The sun is shining as the temple is seen as Steven and amethyst watch TV about some food crying

Amethyst:"I don't get this cartoon, why don't they just eat the ice cream off the floor?"
Suddenly the TV turned to static

Steven:"aww not again, it was doing this yesterday too"
Amethyst got up and kicked the TV gently
The TV started to shake and make a weird sound
Steven:"it's never done that before"
Peridot suddenly appears on the screen of the TV sending out a distress call from earth trying to contact homeworld

The message repeated it self on loop
The gems look at the TV as Steven asked Connie if the message was on her tv
Steven:"Connie said that it's on her tv too"
Pearl:"but where can Peridot broadcast a signal that strong?"

Izuku looked to be thinking of a place
Izuku and Garnet :" there is only one place" they said st the same time

Izuku got up and put Eri in bed before telling her to stay until they get back
Eri:"where are y'all going?" She asked
Izuku:"where just dealing with a Dorito ok, will b back"
He put Eri on the bed and walked to pink lion with the rest of them

They teleport and appear in the middle of nowhere with a giant tower of pillars shoots a beam into the sky
Garnet:"it's as I suspected"
Pearl:"it looks like Peridot fix the communication tower, at least some of it"
They look at the somewhat fixed communication tower
Steven:"so we need to destroy it again right?, you guys can form Sugilite" he looked at them with stars in his eyes

Garnet looked away and amethyst looked uncomfortable with the thought
Amethyst:"well yeah but it's up to Garnet"
She turned to Garnet
"What do you say shall we mash it up?" She asked
Garnet:"no" she said firmly
Amethyst:"don't we need to be huge like last time?"
Garnet looked at amethyst
Garnet:"last time was a disaster, last time Sugilite went berserk and because of her we can't even warp here" she said pointing at the destroyed warp pad
Garnet took her visor off and looked at her with sadness
Garnet:"I can he rash and you can be reckless and we can both get carried away, so for the time being Sugilite is benched, what we need now it to be careful"
She looked at Pearl
Steven gasped in surprise
Garnet:"it's you and me Pearl, let's fuse"
Pearl looked at Garnet with tears in her eyes
Garnet:"Dont cry Pearl"
Pearl put on her best smile

the glow from their gem shined as they dance
They fused

Sardonyx:"good evening everybody, this is the lovely Sardonyx coming to you live from the soon to be former communication hub how are y'all doing tonight"
She looked at everyone with a smile
Amethyst:"great " she said sarcastically
Steven:"giant women!" He shouted with excitement and stars in his eyes

Sardonyx picked up Steven
Sardonyx:"if it isn't Steven universe we finally meet, so what do you think was I worth the wait"
She asked as she spined her upper body in a 360 degree
"What am I saying of course I was" she laughed to her self
Sardonyx:"I'm sorry I'm just so excited to be here, well you see I haven't exactly been my self lately"
They laughed at the jokes and puns she makes

Sardonyx:"and jokes are not the only thing I got"
She summoned Pearl's spear, threw it into the air and slammed Garnet's gauntlets into the spear fusing both weapons into a Warhammer

Steven looked at her with excitement
Steven:"are you going to smash stuff with your Warhammer?" He asked
Sardonyx:"smash would be a word used to describe umm someone else"
She said in thought

She suddenly jumped to the tower
Sardonyx:"the proper words to describe yours truly are specific" she knocked one of the pillars out of the tower
"Intelligent" another pillar was hit out of the tower
"Elegant" and another, and another
"Controlled, surgical, graceful and powerful!" She got ready to swing at the last pillar keeping it up right
Sardonyx:"but yes I am known to smash" she lightly tapped the las pillar causing the tower to fall apart and turn off
Sardonyx:"if I am needed again let Garnet and Pearl know I would be there in a flash"

They defused as Garnet and Pearl looked at each other they smile
Steven:"you guy were amazing" he shouted
Garnet walked up to izuku with a smile
Izuku:"well that's over now" he said smile as he walked up to lion
They all went home hoping that this wouldn't happen again

The next dey Steven is seen watching TV with Eri, Garnet and izuku as they watch a show called crying breakfast friends

Suddenly the TV turned to static
Steven:"it's the signal again"
Pearl walks into the temple
Garnet:"Pearl it's the tower again"
Izuku got up and picked up Eri off the ground
Izuku:"come on Eri it's your second mission with us"
Eri looked at him with excitement

They are seen in front of the tower again as Pearl and Garnet fuse to destroy it again
Izuku looked at amethyst as she thinks of something

When they got home izuku walked up to Garnet and took her to his room
Izuku:"Garnet, this is strange, we destroyed the tower so many times already and there is no pattern through out the times it's been fixed"
He looked at Garnet
Garnet:"I don't see a future where we see Peridot fixing the tower"
She looked at him with worry

Suddenly Eri walked into the room with a blank and a few pillows
Eri:"can I sleep with y'all?" She looked at them with a cute face
Garnet:"sure sweetheart, come here" she opened her arms
They layed on the bed with Eri on top of them

Someone knocked on the door to izuku's room
Izuku got up and walked to the door
Pearl:"Peridot is back and fixed the communication hub" she said seriously

They teleport to the tower and got ready to fuse
Amethyst:"I know what she's doing"
Steven:"you do?"
Izuku looked at them with curiosity

Suddenly amethyst shouted
Pearl and Garnet looked at them confused
Pearl:"is something wrong amethyst?"
Amethyst:"y- you shouldn't" she shakes
Steven:"you need to tell Garnet it was you"
Izuku looked surprised but it slowly turned to rage
The usual red tint in his skin indicates that he's furious
Pearl looked worried and surprised
Garnet:"I don't understand"
She looked at Pearl with her visor reflecting pearls face
Pearl:"I'm sorry it's just it's so much fun bring sardonyx with you"
Garnet threw Pearl onto the ground
Garnet:"that's why I couldn't see us finding Peridot"
Pearl:"wait let me explain"
Garnet walked up to Pearl slowly with a intimidating aura
Pearl:"it really was Peridot t-he first time"
Garnet:"you tricked me"
Pearl looked at her with fear but she suddenly bumped into someone
Pearl:"I just wanted to share some victory's with you:"
Garnet looked at her with more rage
Garnet:"those weren't victory's!?"
She shouted with fury
Amethyst:"were so much weaker then you"
Garnet:"don't defend her, Peridot is put there and Pearl has been distracted us with nothing, amethyst fuse with me"
She looked at amethyst

Amethyst out of fear looked away
Garnet"... alright then izuku?"
She looked at him with pleading eyes
Izuku got ready to fuse

Lunar looked at the tower with hate and fury
She took her battle axe and struck with a mighty blow completely destroying the tower into rubble and dust
Eri looked at all of this with sadness
Pearl looked at what she made from this with horror and guilt

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