18. Lovely Discovery

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No one's pov
Today was a bright day, when we see izuku coming back from his mission
He looked around feeling something out of place
He checked the kitchen for missing objects and the living room for random things, but nothing came to mind

Izuku's pov
Even after reassuring that everything was well, the strange feeling was still present
I went to open the bathroom door but found out that it was locked
Izuku:(hm something's not right)
I checked if Steven and Eri are in bed which they are

I went to my room and into Garnet's room and found her there, amethyst and Pearl don't use the bathroom except for putting supplies into it
I went up to Garnet to ask who's in the bathroom
Izuku:"Hey, who's in the bathroom?"
Garnet looked at me, she seemed to have forgetten something
Garnet:"well we captured Peridot and Steven released her from her bubble, so now she's locked herself in the bathroom"

I face palmed
I went into my room to check what I'm missing before the wedding
I just hope nothing bad happens for the next few weeks

Suddenly Eri ran into my room with a smile
Eri:"good morning Papa, how did you and Mama sleep?"
I smiled to my daughter with joy
Izuku:"I'm fine don't worry Eri, Mama doing alright"
Eri ran out of the room with an even bigger smile

Garnet suddenly walked into the room and picked me up
Garnet:"come on we have to find the cluster before something bad happens"
She carried me to the warp pad as Steven and Eri stayed

We warped to many locations until it started to rain, the rain was soothing and calming, after hours of searching we finally got to the last place the kindergarten
Izuku:"I think I see Steven?"
I looked through the gem fusion experiments and saw Steven and Peridot in his bubble

They fought of the gem experiments to get to Steven
Pearl:"are you alright Steven?!"
She panicked from what just happened
Steven:"I'm alright, Peridot wants to tell y'all something"
Peridot was hesitant before proceeding
Peridot:"the Cluster, it's a gem planet destroyer that the Diamonds made to destroy earth and it's found in the crust of the earth"
She seemed nervous with this statement

I looked at everyone as they looked to be in shock or in fear, Garnet looked to be terrified of the thought of a giant gem fusion experiment that will destroy the earth if not stopped

Izuku:"alright, how do we stop it?"
She looked away with thought
Peridot:"probably destroy the Cluster with some type of weapon or a tool"
Pearl:"what about a drill?"
Peridot:"that could work"
Garnet walked up to them
Garnet:"we know a place we can get parts and scrap for the drill"

A while later we got to the barn where we saw lapis doing something
Lapis:"hey guys, haven't seen y'all in a while"
She smiled to us but when see looked at Peridot her mood suddenly changed to anger

Lapis:"what she doing here?!"
Steven walked up to her with caution
Steven:"well there's a planet destroyer weapon in the crust of the earth and she's helping us destroy it before it can kill us"
Lapis stands there in thought
Lapis:"alright, but I don't trust her, she's a liability right now"
She watched as Peridot looked at all the junk they could use to make the drill with
Izuku:"keep an eye on her"
I was right behind them and there were frightened from my sudden appearance

Pearl and Peridot were fighting over who would lead the building plans
In the end they had a Robot Olympics leading to a tie and then a fight where Peridot won

While I was angry about the ruining of my wedding plans, I might have to move them to after this all finishes, I'm still slightly disappointed but it can be fixed

Garnet realized my down mood and walked towards me with a small smile
Izuku:"yeah, it's just the plans we had won't be possible until this all finishes"
I looked down with a frown
She nodded with a slight frown but still positive
Izuku:"how training with Eri?"
Garnet's smile returned
Garnet:"she's doing well, she can somewhat control her manipulation of time and future vision"

I smiled and sat on the top of the barn with her as we watched the moon and stars
Izuku:"you know that Steven's birthday is getting close?'
Garnet smile grew bigger
Garnet:"do we tell him the story of how sapphire, Ruby and you met?"
Izuku:"sure, he needs to know eventually"
The night went on calmly as Steven sleeps and Eri sat on the floor coloring

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