29. Gem Escapes

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In a bright blue ship izuku is seen in a small cage, he looks to be extremely tired and slightly desperate to escape

And in front of him was Blue Diamond with her blue Pearl, they watched as he grabbed at the bars of the cell with desperation and anger

Blue:"I wonder why you suffered so much with Yellow, why did she pick you out of all of them" he looked at her before a small frown appeared on his face

Izuku:"well... I found out she was planning to exterminate earth and the Diamonds, with the help of an experimental gem she was planning on making, she found out I was looking through her files and took me as a test subject for this plan" Blue looked down with sadness and a slight anger

Blue:"but... Why, she never said why?" He shakes his head as a sign of a no "then this is un resanable, we all consided our selves as sister, as family, yet she dares to betreay us?!" The anger overwhelmed the sadness that came from the memories of pink and her death

She grabbed the cage before opening it, she grabbed him out and hugged him in desperation

Blue pearl watched with guilt and a small blush, she didn't expect her Diamond to act so... Caring

While that was happening they were traveling to the human zoo to recollect her thought about pink and to restore the place as perfect as possible

Izuku absorbed the energy that was radiating off of Blue, the energy showed sadness and despair but there was a slight loving feeling from it

Blue:"I'm sorry for long ago, I was only thinking of perfection and not the happiness in my colonies, white and Yellow would always say that perfection is everything to us and it would fix everything, but now I see that's not true" she let him go before bringing over a small sapphire sized gem closer to him

The gem was a beautiful dark purple with their gem was on the back side of their left hand
She had bright and wide eyes and small Diamond shaped freckles on her face

She looked at him with joy before running up to him with a wide smile and stars in her eyes

He was confused, he never had a child before... Well except for Eri, but she was a Sapphire and adopted

XX:"Dad!, I found you!, the yellow lady told me that I would meet you one day after something called shattering" she put her finger on her chin in curiosity

He looked confused before looking at her get, her gem was a perfect replica of his cut... Well almost perfect, there was a slight indent in the center that made her different

Blue:"I had found her in one of Yellow's facilities on Earth" she smiled brightly before giving a slight look to the gem

Blue:"apparently the gem was a replica of you, but as you can see she had problems creating her, she used the remaining gem piece of your Garnet and emerald but apparently got mixed up with another gem's shards causing a weird reaction" she smiled sadly but moved on from the information that she read

Izuku hugged what's technically his child, she smiled brightly

Blue:"I'm sorry for taking you from Earth, I just wanted to reunite you to your shards!" She smiled out of joy and with tears in her eyes
They got to the human zoo

Meanwhile Holly Blue and the rest were looking for Izuku, suddenly some amethyst's ran up to them yelling

Amethyst guards:"Holly!" Holly blue turned to them with anger
Holly blue:"we don't run nor yell in these halls!" They stoped running and yelling immediately

Amethyst guards:"well... Mis-" she was cut of by Holly Blue
Holly:"I can't hear you if your muttering!" The amethyst became more nervous

Amethyst guards:"well Miss Holly, Blue Diamond is coming over to the zoo with a guest" she spoke nervous about the situation
Holly was in shock and a slight joy but tried to stay composed but the excitement caused a smile to appear

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