7. Family dinner

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We can see the house where Steven lives as Steven and Connie spy on izuku while he writes in an old looking book

Steven:"what do you think he's writing?" He had asked Connie right beside him
Connie:"I don't know?, maybe he's writing about an adventure he had before" she said answering his question
Izuku gets off the seat as he walks up to a book shelf and sets the book onto the top shelf where no one but himself and garnet can reach
Izuku:"there you go" he smiles to himself as he looks at all the books that he had written throughout the time he's spent with Steven and the rest

On the other side of the room can be seen garnet as she shows and instructions Eri on how do gem powers work
Garnet:"ok Eri we're going to practice with these strawberries, make them from red to green" she instructed as Eri had strawberries in her hand
Eri:"ok Mama" Eri's eyes glowed a soft blue before the strawberries turned from a bright red to a light green, but it didn't stop there it turned from green to a small flower
Eri:"aww I did it wrong" she said In a sad tone with tears in her eyes
Garnet:"that's ok, try again" she gave Eri a strawberry and trees again
This kept going on for a while
A while later a phone call came
Connie:"it's mom excuse me, hey mom, where am I?, I'm at Stevens we were watching izuku write"
Steven:"what's wrong?" He asked
Connie:"well my mom wants to talk to your parents" she said
Steven:"well my mom kind of became part of me and my dad's busy most of the time so..." He grabbed the phone and ran to garnet and izuku
Steven:"hey guys can y'all act like my parents for Connie's mom!?" He said with panic
garnet took the phone
Garnet:"hello this is...mom universe, yes the children are playing, their bleeding oh no they are dead, don't worry" she finished the call
Garnet:"sorry I panicked" a shocked expression is seen on Steven and Connie's faces

The next day

Connie:"sorry Steven but I cant come, my parents won't let me until they meet your parents" she said with a guilty tone
Steven:"you know that's impossible!" He said
Connie:"I know but they want both of our parents to go out for dinner" she said as she looked at he parents sitting on the couch
Steven:"it sounds so...adult, I wonder if fish stew pizza takes reservations for...,1 2 3.., 8 people!"he said
Connie:"no!, you can't" she said with desperation
Steven:"why" he asked
Connie:"because I said you have a nuclear family" she stated
Steven:"nuclear?!, I know they blow stuff up but they are magic not radioactive?!" He shouted as he's watched by garnet and izuku
Connie:"no Steven, nuclear is a small family of two parents and there children or child" she stated
Steven:"but that's not true, you never told you mom and dad about the crystal gems?" She asked
Connie:"no, if they found out that I lied to them they would never let me hangout with you again!" She almost shouted

A while later
Steven:"why can I take all of y'all?, why only one?" He sounded desperate
Izuku:"why don't you put garnet like your mom and pearl or amethyst as your cousin or aunt?"
Steven:"that's a great idea, thanks izuku, also your coming too" izuku look at him and shrugged
Izuku:"sure why not?" He said simply
Steven:"your my dad for now, because Dad's busy washing Mayer Dewey's car again" he stated
Izuku:"fine" he said as he signed

A while later
Connie and her parents are seen waiting on a pier sitting at a table
??:"we've been waiting here for 20 minutes" she said desperate
Steven, garnet and izuku came around the corner
Steven:"hey Connie, hey miss and mister Maheswaran, my whole family can't come, sorry about that" he said sadly
Miss.Maheswaran:"thank you for coming uhh"
Izuku:"izuku universe and garnet universe" he stated
Miss.Maheswaran:"thank you izuku" she said happily
Mister.Maheswaran:"so what do y'all do for work?" He asked as he sweats
Izuku:"well I write and cook for 'work' if you could say and my wife keeps a look out for trouble" he stated
Mister.Maheswaran:"so she works as a guard?" He asked interested
Miss.Maheswaran smiled at the interaction of them
Miss.Maheswaran:"miss universe, what do you do in your free time" she asked with interest
Garnet:"well I teach my daughter" she said as she moved a step to the side showing a Eri to her
Eri hid behind Garnet's leg again
Miss.Maheswaran:"well that's interesting" she stated as she smiles

The dinner continues as the night rolls over
Izuku:"it is very nice to meet you, have a safe trip home" he said smiling
Garnet nodded
Miss.Maheswaran:"I have to thank you for this night, it was fun, good bye hope to see you again" she stated

As they wave good bye, they walk back home

Izuku walks into his room, the book on the top shelf fell as Steven is seen with a step stool and took it

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