17. Friendship's

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Peridot pov
I got to the galaxy warps, and saw all of them except the one I came from was broken
Peridot:"stupid warp pads, stupid communication hub"
She's lifting pieces of broken warp pad and moving them to their places
Peridot:"now this is broken again, those crystal gems are a menace"

No one's pov
The sound of a warp pad activating caused Peridot to panic as the beam finished and out came the crystal gems

Pearl:"it worked I was right, my plan worked perfectly"
She pointed at Peridot
Steven greeted her with a huge and adorable smile
Steven:"good morning"
Peridot looked at them panicked and confused
Peridot:"how did you know I was here?!"
Steven:"we found a secret way to track you and will never tell you how even if you ask nicely"
Steven mocked her
Garnet:"Peridot, were her-" she was cut off by Pearl
Pearl:"and you'll never get away with this!"
She yells, and irritates izuku who's having a slice of pie and relaxing
Peridot:"don't you gems have anything better to do than annoy me?!"
She looked at them with annoyance
Amethyst:"nope, were goi-"
She was cut off by Pearl
Pearl:"prepare to be annoyed"

Peridot started to become very frustrated with them bothering her
She activated a cannon like weapon from her arm
Peridot:"I don't have time for this, this planet has an expiration date and I'm not going to stick around to find out when"

She shot the cannon and missed them, hitting a pillar behind them
Steven made his shield appear above them to protect them from the pillar
Pearl ran to Peridot prepared to attack her
Garnet:"Pearl wait!" She yelled but Pearl ignored her
Pearl was captured in a bubble that was controlled by her hands
Peridot:"you're going the wrong way!"
She launched Pearl into Steven and izuku causing the shield to disappear, and Garnet to carry the pillar
Amethyst attacked with a dash and missed
Peridot started to ran away
Peridot:"haha you missed!"

Izuku pushed Pearl off of himself before looking at the floor to see his pie
Izuku:"my pie..."
He was pissed off now, he took out his sickles and through them at Peridot, but he was interrupt by Pearl who hit him accidentally
Pearl:"I'm sorry!"

Peridot got onto one of the warps and tried to activate it
Peridot:"doesn't anything work on this stupid planet!?"
Steven his Peridot with his shield
Steven:"i do"

Garnet throws the pillar into the air
Garnet:"Amethyst catch!"
Amethyst catched the pillar with her whip
Amethyst:"take this!"
She smashed the pillar into the warp pad Peridot was standing at
Peridot was launched into the air as Pearl and Garnet tried to catch her, but Pearl bumped into Garnet causing them to fall over
Garnet:"Pearl get off me!" She sounded angry
Pearl:"I'm sorry, so sorry!"
Peridot got onto the warp pad and warped away
Izuku:"...she escaped..."
Steven:"have a great weekend!"
They just stared at him

When they got home izuku walked into the kitchen as Eri is playing with toys
Pearl:"I realized that the mission was a a failure, but there is a sliver lining to this, now we can track her with her escape pod when she uses the warp pad"

Pearl started to mess with Peridot escape pod
Pearl:"she should be here!"
She projected a hologram of earth with a dot

They got ready to leave, but izuku didn't go with them
Garnet:"izuku are you going with us?"
Izuku looked at them as he walked to the front door
Izuku:"no, I'm going to walk around beach city"
Garnet:"alright, will be back later
They warped away

Izuku pov
I walked out of the temple with Eri, I was planning to go to the library for research
Eri:"where are we going Papa?"
Izuku:"were going to the library so I can continue my research"

When we got there Eri had ran to the children's section and I went to the human culture section
I looked around and read many book

Until I stumbled across a book titled "Marriage advice"
I read through it not understanding what marriage is or how it works until I got to a section of the book that reminds me of fusion, being together with the person you love for the rest of your life until they die or you do

It made e think about how it would feel to stay with Garnet for the rest of my immortal life until shattered, it seems like a dream that I would like to make come true
I decided to wait to tell Garnet about all that I had researched here

I went to the children's section to find Eri sleeping on a bean bag chair with book around her
I picked up Eri before heading home

The sun started to set a little when I got home
I saw Garnet sitting on the couch looking to be in thought
I put Eri in bed before heading to Garnet
Izuku:"Garn-" I was cut of by her
She lifted her head
Garnet:"I would love too"
I was surprise by this response, but I remembered she can see the future
Izuku:"it was a surprise"
I smile playfully as I grabbed her arm into mine and gave her a kiss, a small but loving kiss

A while later
The moon went up as I sat on the smoothing sand
Garnet right besides me as we watch the moon
Izuku:"I hope this peacefulness will never end"
She smiles, even if it was a small smile it was still beautiful to me

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