30. The truth and trusted

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The crystal gems and blue pearl arrived at Beach City, Steven ran towards the house with excitement and joy, greeted by Connie who hugged him

Izuku glanced over to the others, amethyst was walking over to the house and Pearl was chasing after her

Pearl:"Amethyst!, you can't have the food that's for Steven!" She ran after her

He glanced over to Garnet and Blue Pearl, Garnet looked somewhat uncomfortable with her while B.Pearl reached out towards butterflies as they flew around her, she smiled with joy before catching one of them on her fingers, Garnet approached her a little cautious about her

Garnet:"Blue?, do... Do you remember me?" Blue Pearl looked at her from head to toe and suddenly took a step back

B.Pearl:"I-i remember, you're that gem that fused before being shattered, weren't you?" She looked a little frightened but a look of guilt and regret crossed her face, Garnet nodded and looked away

B.Pearl:"w-well I didn't want to hurt you nor did my Diamond, she was following orders from Yellow and W-white" she said and grabbed something from her little bag she brought with her

She handed it over to Garnet, and inside there was a small looking gem shard, the green color was toxic and radiates a green aura

B.Pearl:"i-it was his apparently, my Diamond had it on her after you dropped from the sky island, she found the shard but didn't find where you were" she looked over at him before continuing "she gave it to me as a gift after closing the investigation on finding him"

Garnet looked at the shard before walking over to izuku

Garnet:"izu, come here" she said, he walked over confused "take this" she handed the shard to him

He took the shard before it inserted itself into his body, a sudden pain washed over him, memories coming back to him

Izuku's POV
The pain was excruciating, memories of after the crash came back


I was on the floor, I watched as the day cycle came and went, rainy days passed before suddenly footsteps were heard, I was picked up from the floor by a Blue han, I "looked" over to who picked me up

I was met by Blue Diamond, who was accompanied by Blue Pearl, she looked over the shard before turning over to her Pearl

Blue:"this must have been his, he's the only gem with such a toxic color that we know of" she said with a serious look, she gave the gem over to her Pearl

Blue pearl looked at the shard with sadness and guilt before hugging it, she felt horrible about what they did and the look on the Diamond told the same story, they both regretted what they did but that was in the past

Years went by as he watched Blue and her Pearl talking and toing tasks for her colony, but one day... Blue Pearl went to a pink room entering such and was met by the Pearl we know now

Blue Pearl gave Pearl the shard saying it was a good luck charm and keep it in a small bag

That's how the shard found out that pearl was a rebel and how pink was Rose quartz in disguise, this shard watched for years that came and go until...

Year: 5,300 years ago
The shard watched as Pearl and pink discussed about the fake shattering of her and how she plans to protect the earth of the gems

He watched as pink made realistic pink gem shards of dirt and walked outside of the Palanquin, Pearl jamed the sword into her chest before picking up the gem and walking away

A few years went by before the gem was found again, it was Blue Pearl who found it, she cuddled the gem with tears before walking away

*End of flashback*

No one's pov
Izuku stood there without moving before his skin flashed a bright red, small little lines and cracks appeared around his body, steam raised off his body

With a rageful expression he grabbed a bunch of sand, the sand melted into a sphere of glass, he raised his arm before throwing it at the water, the sudden coldness of the water caused the glass to expand and explode

Garnet:"are you o-" she was cut off by him running to the house as glass formed under his feet from the sand

He barged into the house while Pearl was pulling out Amethyst from the fridge

Pearl:"Amethyst!, stop the food isn't for-" she was picked up and taken by izuku, a sudden fear ran through her veins "izuku what's wrong?..." She looked at him with fear as he glanced at her with rage

Izuku:"why didn't you tell me?!, or why didn't you tell anyone?!" She was confused until he ripped the piece of shard out of his gem, she looked at it before she suddenly remembered

Pearl:"I-i umm w-well umm you see..." She stumbled across her words before taking a deep breath "w-well she asked m-me to keep it a secret f-from all of you and I just couldn't have said no... And it's been like this for over 5,000 years..." She fiddled with her finger

A gasp rang out from behind them, he looked behind him self and was met by everyone, a distant look from Garnet, a distressed look from Amethyst and Pearl, but the most surprised was Blue Pearl, she didn't move or speak at all

Garnet:"... She lied to us... We trusted her... She must have had a reason to do so right?... It doesn't matter if she has a reason, she lied to us!..." They suddenly un-fused before Sapphire and Ruby ran off

Izuku still glowing with rage walked out of the house

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