35. The Bonding of Four (part 2)

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The people are seen relaxing, enjoy their time dancing with their respective lovers, but the sudden change in aura causes them to look around

Blue Pearl ran over to them in worry and desperation, before stopping on her tracks confused about the situation

B.Pearl:"Izu... ku?" She looked around confused before continuing "izuku!, Garnet!, we have a problem, the diamonds are coming to earth to collect the cluster!" She looked on with worry

Suddenly two giant hand shaped ships appeared from the sky, hovering over the terrain

The yellow one moved over to the mountains before digging up the dirt with its only hand

Meanwhile the other ship dropped down gently onto the sand

Out came Blue Diamond, she looked around before spotting them

Blue:"I'm sorry, I tried to reason with Yellow and White, but both of them want the gems to rule the galaxy, as they planned to do so long ago" she teared up, causing every other gem to tear up to, including Steven and Connie, Lunar was un-effected by her power because of izuku

Lunar:"don't worry, the cluster is in a bubble, and even if they popped the bubble, it's on our side" she predicted with the future sight

Steven ran into the house, explaining that he could connect with the cluster in his sleep

Lunar followed after him in worry
Steven lies down on his back, trying to sleep through the terrible sounds

Steven:"it's no use, I can't sleep with all this noice!" He yells out in frustration

Greg:"maybe a song will help?" He plays his guitar, still confused about the situation

Connie:"that won't work!" She yelled at him before realizing that Steven is asleep

Lunar ran out of the house, infront of Blue Diamond as she watched Yellow's ship destroy the land

A bright light emerged from the destroyed terrain, hands, faces and bodies stretch out from the cracks, before forming a hand of multiple colors, and punching away the ship into the ocean and destroying the ship

Lunar:"we need to defend this planet, even if it costs us our life!" She watched the destruction caused by thew cluster

Green flames engulfed the ship, before a part of the ship was lifted to reveal Yellow

The cluster went back into the crust of the earth and into its gem, knowing the risks she can cause by forming for too long

Yellow:"so you sided with the traitors?!, you know more then anyone that they were the cause of you suffering!" She shot her electricity at her causing her to scream in pain and desperation

Yellow:"this pointless planet shall end, right here, right now!" She continued to hurt Blue

Lunar ran at her at full size, she shoulder bashed her into the water

Yellow got out of the water, anger present on her face

Yellow:"don't get yourself involved in the business of a diamond!" She used her ability on Lunar, but it was futile, she absorbed the energy before reflecting it back to her

Yellow groaned in pain and frustration, before punching her in the face

This continued on for a while before yellow grabbed a slab of debri and stabbing it into the chest, below Izuku's gem

They unfused, showing her, who they were

Yellow:"... Well... Well... Well, it looks like my main creation is against me" she pointed at him, angered by what she saw

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