5. New Gem?

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We see Pearl looking into Greg's van as izuku was seen looking kinda nervous

Pearl:"wow the water sure did some damage to Greg's van" she said

Amethyst:"give it a rest Pearl that thing is going to be busted forever"
As pearl and amethyst talk about fixing the van, izuku is away from them, looking at a light blue sapphire gem in his hand

Izuku:"come on I know you can, reform" he said with sadness and desperation
Garnet walks up to him

Garnet:"izuku what are you doing?"
Izuku hid the gem before she saw it, but it was too late

Izuku:"nothing!" He had a nervous look in his eyes, as garnet looked at the gem in his hands
Garnet:"where did you get that gem?" She asked seriously

Izuku:"uh ok, I had adopted this gem 4740 years ago before i was poofed, she had emerged when i found her, she didn't know what she was made for, she a sapphire, shes different she has two eyes instead of one" he said with sadness and a hint of happiness

Garnet smiled at his kindness
Garnet:"that's alright, Steven needed a new friend anyways" as she said this the gem glowed a soft blue

A short light blue haired girl with a dress that touched the floor and light blue skin, she had formed with her gem on her left hand, her hair reached her shoulders

She opened her eyes to see izuku
Eri:"p-papa?" She asked with tears welling in her eyes as she looked at him

Izuku:"y-yes it's me, Papa" tears started to stream down his face

Eri:"Papa It's really you, I missed you!"she said as she tackled him to the ground, all is seen by garnet as she smiles from the reunion
Eri looked at garnet

Eri:"Papa isn't that the lady that you liked?"
She wispered to izuku
Izuku:"wha- no" he said as he started to blush and stuttering

Garnet:"hello Eri, i'm garnet" she introduced her self
Eri:"h-hello miss garnet" she looked nervous and slightly scared
Garnet:"it ok you can trust me" she said with a comforting tone

Eri:"o-ok miss garnet" she said
Garnet:"please call me just garnet" garnet said to Eri
Eri:"ok just garnet" garnet started laughing
Garnet:"haha, no garnet, call me garnet"
Eri:"ok garnet"

After garnet and Eri talked for a while

With Steven and Greg

Steven:"hey dad, you want to spend time together?" He asked Greg
Greg:"sure, how could I not spend time with my favorite son" he said jokingly
Steven:"but I'm your only son" they started to joke around for a while

Back with izuku and garnet

Izuku:"so Eri what do you want to do?" He asked
Eri:"I don't know, what can we do?" She asked back
Izuku:"we can go to Fun land or we could get some food" He said
Eri:"what's food?"
Garnet:'what a innocent angel'
Izuku:"food is what humans eat to gain energy and continue living" he stated
Eri:"I want to try!" She seemed very excited
Izuku:"ok come on" he headed to the house

A while late

Eri:"what are you making?" She asked
Izuku:"I'm making some chocolate cake"
Garnet was just looking at there interactions with a smile
Eri:"what does cake do?"
Izuku:"nothing...well except if I put some magic into it, it will heal wounds"
Eri:"that's cool!" There were stars in her eyes
Garnet:"why didn't you tell me this?" She asked
Izuku:"well you never asked did you?" He stated as a joke
Garnet:"well I guess we don't need this anymore" she threw away a medical bag
Garnet:"so what can Eri do?" She asked
Izuku:"she can't tell the future, but she can control time"
Izuku:'time is her b#tch'
Garnet was surprise, she had never met a gem that can control a natural order
Garnet:"what?!?" She almost shouted
She look at Eri
Garnet:"she needs to control her powers"
Izuku:"yeah" he said as he served a piece of cake to Eri
Eri takes a bite of the cake, stars appear in her eyes
Eri:"it's delicious!" She shouted
Garnet takes a slice and takes a bite
Garnet:"it is" she agreed
Izuku:"it's not my best, so it doesn't taste that good" he said
Garnet:"it's still good" she protests

A while later
The sun goes down and the night comes in
Izuku and garnet are seen in his room of the temple tucking Eri into bed
Izuku:"good night sweetie sleep well"
Garnet:"good night sweetheart" they said
Eri:"good night Papa, good night Mama" sleep took over
Izuku was blushing as he walks out of the room with garnet
Izuku:"g-good night garnet" izuku walked out of the room
Garnet just smiled

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