25. Friends?

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No one's pov
The crystals gems were sitting in front of a tv as Steven played a game

Meanwhile izuku is sitting at the table with wine a glass in his hand as Garnet sits with him, they were enjoying themselves and having a moment

Steven:"aww, playing videogames is emotional draining" he put down the controller before noticing that lion was chewing on his shirt "lion!, drop it!" He grabbed the shirt and yanked it away from lion "how else am I going to remember the time the thunder bird it fun land!" He put away the shirt before lion took it again

Steven:"if you can't play nice, then I'm forced to put this where you can't get it!" He jumped into the lions main before disappearing

Izuku:"so what's the plan for our wed-" suddenly Steven fell out of lions main with fright

Steven:"I've made a horrible mistake!" He jumped back into lions main and popped out against a moment later

Steven:"there's a gem in lions main!" He yelled
Garnet:"describe her" she said before he popped through again

A moment went by as he looked at her before coming out again
Steven:"she's big, with rainbow hair and tattoos" he stated

Pearl:"rainbow hair?, tell me what does her gem look like?" He looked worried and serious
Izuku looked on with rage and hate, if the person Steven is talking about is the one he's thinking then this won't end up well.

Steven:"it's an inny?" He asked himself
Pearl:"it can't be..." She looked on in thought
Garnet:"Steven bring her out" she nodded before he enter the pink main again

After a few moments a tall gem came out of lions main, everyone looked at her with joy and tears in their eyes, everyone except izuku and amethyst, he looked at her with hate and rage

Amethyst:"wow a total stranger" she said with fake amazement while Garnet and Pearl looked on with a natural expression

Bismuth:"Pearl?... Garnet?..." Pearl rushed to her and brought her into an embrace with tears in her eyes

Pearl:"Bismuth your back!" She tightly grabbed onto her as izuku and the rest watch
Bismuth:"wow hey, the pearl I know would never jump into my arms, did somebody loose a pearl?" She looked around playfully "who do you belong to?"

Pearl:"nobody" she said with a huge smile before looking at Garnet

Garnet:"..." She didn't say anything, she just stood there with an emotionless expression before a twar ran down her face

Garnet:"ok let's calm down" she said seriously
Bismuth:"your one to say, or should I say your 'two' to say" she joked, but there was no laughter or expression for he joke

Steven, izuku and amethyst watched the situation
Pearl:"where were you, we worried that you were captured, or worse shattered" she looked on with worry and fright

Bismuth:"shatter me?, homeworld couldn't lay a scratch on this gem!" She said as she pointed at her self

Amethyst:"guys" she tried to get her attention
Pearl looked excited and full of joy
Pearl:"this is bismuth, she's one of the original crystals gems!" She smiled
Bismuth:"cool new recruits!" She looked at them with joy "we always have more amethysts, who's the green guy?, and who's this meat ball?" She asked as she looked at them

Steven:"I'm Steven and you were in my lion and now in my house" he smiled
Bismuth:"well I'm welcomed and happy to be here" she smiled

Izuku:"I can't believe your here..." He glanced at her with rage and hate as his skin shined a red tint

Bismuth:"what do you mean?, do I know you?" She looked at him with curiosity
Garnet:"you don't remember do you?..." She looked at her with disappointment

Bismuth:"why are you looking at me like that?" She asked with worry

Izuku:"that one gem you shattered in battle against the homeworld for the protection of earth?" He grabbed his shirt that said shirt and lifted it to show his gem

Bismuth:"...you... Your that gem that was made for homeworld!" She made her arms into mallets before swinging at him


He blocked the attack with his sickle, he glanced at her with fury
Izuku:"I wasn't with the homeworld to begin with!" He swung at her and cut of one of her arms

She grabbed the stub of what's left of her arm and ran to the warp pad and warped away
He ran after her with both sickles summoned

They were transported to the foot of a volcano, bismuth ran up the path to he top as izuku chased after her throwing his spear at her

When he reachef the entrance of the forge, he was found with the giant doors opened and bismuth running down the path

She reached the bottom and turned a screw, causing the floor to desend to a chest

She was about to open the chest but was interrupted by izuku who fell down the hole with a loud thump, she desperately grabbed what was in the chest before facing him

Izuku:"what did you want to accomplish with attacking me back then?... You knew who I was and how I was helping the crystals gems from the start... Why?" A shadow over his face and an aura of rage all over him

Bismuth:"ok, ok I admit it!, I was jealous of your relationship with Garnet!, I thought that through destroying you would cause her to go to me or someone else for comfort, but instead she took your piece and stored them in a bubble!" She confession

He looked at her before putting his weapons away, but in that moment she took advantage of the situation and hit him

A hole through his chest where his gem would be, on the floor can be seen the pieces of his gem

He looked at her before smiling a menacingly
Izuku:"what did you expect?, to poof or disappear?" He grabbed her by the neck before slamming her into the ground causing her to drop her weapon into the molten metal in between platforms

He fell face first into the ground before poofing
Later on Garnet grabbed both gems and stored bismuth in her rooms and took izuku into the living room after getting home

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