9. Tiring Day

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We see the porch of Steven's house as izuku is seen watching Steven, Eri and Connie as Connie and Steven sit in the sand and Eri is seen finishing a giant sand castle

Steven:"books!"he shouted as he looks at a book
Connie:"it's part of my favorite series" she said with joy as she looks at him
They talked for a while

Eri is seen finishing up her Sand castle
Something impacted into the ocean and the water from the ocean created a wave and destroyed Eri's castle.
Eri looked at the castle with teary eyes and started to cry
An orb rolled out of the ocean, it was a robonoid

Garnet came out of the house and saw the mess
She was furious
Garnet:"who hurt Eri!?" She shouted at everyone
Eri pointed at the robonoid as izuku glowed with a red tint as he look at the orb with anger
The robonoid charged at Steven and Connie but Garnet grabbed it with her gantlets as izuku ran at it slicing the orb with a sickle and a spear in hand
The robonoid exploded into a mess
Steven:"are you ok?" He asked Connie
Connie:"I love being at your place" she stated with amazement
Steven:"Garnet do you think it could be-" he was cut off
Garnet:"one of Peridot's machines? Yes it was" she stated as she looks at it's remnants
Pearl arrived as she ran down the stairs
Pearl:"we've never seen one this big before"have stated as she looks at it
Amethyst:"or this gooy" she said covered with the goo
Pearl:"amethyst be careful, we don't know what this stuff is" she said firmly
Amethyst starts to giggle and chase Pearl around
Connie:"Peridot? The gem you told me about" she said
Steven:"yes, izuku and Garnet stopped her once but it looks like she can still shoot things from space" he said as he looked at the chaos

The next day
Mis.M:"Connie the Steven universe boy wants to talk to you" she said to her daughter as she muttered under her breath something
Connie:"hey Steven have you finished reading the books that I lent you?" She asked him with joy
Steven:"I'm halfway through one of them" as he talk to Connie
Garnet and izuku are seen at the table with cups and a tea kettle with cake while they enjoy the silence
Eri:"would you like some Tea miss Garnet:" she asked looking at Garnet
Garnet:"I would miss Eri" she said smiling
Eri:"would that be one cube or-" she was cut off as the ground shakes
Garnet:"something entered the atmosphere and landed on mask Island" she said as Pearl and amethyst ran out of their rooms and warped

They arrived at the island looking at the giant robonoid with Eri
The robonoid charged to there location, looking for a warp pad
Pearl:"it's looking for a warp?" She asked
Eri jumped at it summoning her weapon, a knife stabbed into the side of the robonoid
Garnet:"we have to stop it" she shouted as she ran at it
It exploded as goo flys everywhere
Eri:"and that's what you get for ruining my tea party?!" She shouted at the remnants of the robonoid
Steven:"yesh, what do this thing want to do?" He asked as he look at Garnet
Garnet:"they're not doing anything now" she stated as she looks at Eri who is still shoutinga whole later izuku is seen writing in a journal as Steven is talking to Connie on the phone and Eri is practicing with Garnet
Another robonoid is heard as they land
Garnet:"will find it in the desert" she said as they warp
Steven:"wait for me" he said
They are seen bashing the orb of goo
Steven:"guys stop, how many more of these thing are going to have to fight?!" He asked desperately
Pearl:"we don't know?!, and we don't know what they are or what they want to do?!" She shouted
Steven:"that's ok, I don't know about a lot thing either but I got you guys to tell me!, we probably don't know but he does" He said with joy as he pointed at it
Pearl:"what?" She asked dumbfounded
Amethyst:"are you nuts?!"
Garnet:"he's right, let follow it" she stated
They untied the robonoid and jumped onto it and ride it onto the warp pad, warping it into the kindergarten, a place where gems were incubated and made
It walks onto a specific spot as they jump off
It entered a hole and into a tunnel
They jump down as they look around
A flask robonoid drops down from the bigger one and actived a panel
Steven:"what is this place?" He asked looking around
Izuku looks at the flask robonoid
A giant screen appears with peridot looking through
Peridot:"established link with control room, robonoid successful entered earth and activated control room in facility five, will proceed with status check of kindergarten" she said
Pearl, Garnet and amethyst looked panicked
Pearl:"what do we do?!" She said silently
Steven:"why don't we ask her?" He whispered
Garnet:"not time for questions, ok when she's distracted we'll destroy the power source on the back wall, Steven stays here" she stated
they look around and see Steven above them
All-except izuku:"Steven!" They shouted silently
Peridot:"checking all operational injectors, this gem tech is so old" she complained
Steven:"I don't know, I think it's cool" he said out loud
Peridot turned around really quickly to face him
Steven:"hi I'm Steven" he stated
Peridot:"there seems to be an infestation of Steven in the kindergarten" she said not noticing that he's human
Steven:"I'm not that bad" he said playing around
Peridot:"and how many more Steven are there in this area?" She asked as she rolled her eyes
Steven:"oh just me" he said
Peridot:"oh what a relief, so tell me have Steven's replaced humans as the dominant species on earth?" She asked
Steven:"no, there are a lot of humans like my dad, Sadie, Onion, lars and the mail man, now i get to ask a question, what are you doing?" he said
Peridot:"just picking up where we left off" she said rising one of the giant hand before bringing it down onto Steven
Garnet stopped the hand before it could land
Peridot:"ah a gem?!, but the red eye didn't report the presence of any?!" She said in panic
Pearl:"that's because we destroyed it" she yelled
Peridot:"y'all have been destroying my robonoid and the warp pad haven't you why?!" She yell at them
Pearl:"because we are the crystal gems and we are still the guardians of this planet" she yell
Peridot:"the crystal gems?" She asked
They attacked peridot's machines and destroyed the power source
Peridot:"I'm reporting this" she said before the screen disappeared
Steven:"ok I might have gone a little to far this time" he said
Garnet:"at least we learnt something new and it was still a bad idea" she said
They went home

In izuku's room

Izuku is seen walking around with injector parts as he builds something with them
Izuku:"Eri needs company and Steven does too" he said as he looks at a smaller injector he built

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