22. Yellow Diamond...

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No one's pov
It was in the afternoon as the gems were talking about the drill and when they can dill their way to the Cluster

Amethyst:"so when can we start drilling to stop this thing?" She was talking to Pearl as Steven watched Peridot enter the barn, he had a neutral expression and seemed disappointed
Pearl:"we could start drilling today with the coordinates provided by the moon base"

Garnet was watching Eri chase butterflies as she enjoys herself, Izuku was inside the barn house sitting in the truck relaxing

Steven followed Peridot into the barn house
Steven:"Peridot I need to talk to you" Peridot seemed nervous and anxious about something

They entered the truck, Peridot seemed to become more nervous inside the truck
Peridot:"why are we inside this broken down vehicle?" She had her hand behind her back hiding something

Steven:"I wanted to ask you..." He looked at her arm before continuing what he was saying
"About the Diamonds"
Peridot:"I don't know what the others had told you but there's a reason they're in charge"

Izuku was in the back of the truck hearing this, he seemed angry about the Diamonds
Peridot:"the objectively better than us, every gem has their strengths and weaknesses but not them, there absolutely totally completely flawless beings, especially my Diamond, Yellow Diamond, the most perfect, the most responsible radical ever to exist in the universe"

Izuku glanced at her knowing that what she said wasn't true in any way shape or form
Steven:"you're really loyal to her aren't you?"
Steven seemed sad his expression seemed to flatten slightly
Peridot:"how could I not be"

She seemed to daydream slightly
Steven:"that's good because she's right behind you" he pointed behind her with a fake expression of enthusiasm

Peridot turned to the window before the diamond shaped object was taken from her and Steven got out of the truck quickly
Izuku opened the door to the truck with out notice of him being there

Izuku walked out of the barn house with rage before walking to the gems and started to tell them what he found out about Peridot

Steven ran out of the barn house shouting their names and shutting the barn door
Pearl:"she took a direct communication line to the Diamond?!" The surprise in there faces except Garnet who already predicted this out come
Pearl:"what was she thinking?!"

They all seemed upset about what she did but Izuku was the most angry about it
The horn of the truck was heard from the barn
Steven:"i guess she now knows what a horn is" he felt betrayed

Garnet:"you offered her a lot of your trust" she looked down at him
Steven:"I did and it blew up in my face!, you guys had been protecting the earth for thousands of years, she could have destroyed all of that, the whole earth why did I think I could change her mind" he looked up to the sky with sadness in his eyes

Amethyst:"I know right, it's not like you can get into someone's head and change what they think?...hmm" everyone looks at her
Steven:"I don't want to make her follow orders, I want her to know what to do right?" He seemed saddened

Izuku:"like your mother you always had a little bit more patience then us, the truth is that not everyone deserves that patience" Garnet smiled at this little interaction in-between them
Steven looked up at him

Pearl:"look at the bright side at least you took this away from her before she could do some real damage" the side of the barn burst as Peridot's robot came from the inside of the barn

Peridot laughed at Steven's of trap
Peridot:"I'm free, free, your invisible rotary shield was no match for me once I applied logic!"
Steven sighed with frustration as the gems prepared to attack

Peridot grabbed the truck before chucking it at them, it landed with a slam as everyone dodged the truck

Peridot grabbed the communicator before running off
Amethyst:"ok I'm ready for this!" She glowed before transforming into a helicopter "get in"

They got into the helicopter with Steven complaining about Peridot
Garnet:"right now isn't the time to complain, we need to catch Peridot before she could communicate with the Diamonds"

Izuku watches them chase after Peridot and attack the robot, Peridot got out of her robot and was about to grab the communicator but Izuku grabbed it before she could

Peridot:"give that back!" She tried to clime his leg before being thrown off, Izuku grabbed his sickle out of his gem
Izuku:"you think that after your mission they won't throw you out?, like they did with many gems before you, I was one of Yeloow's gems before all of this, now look at me, it's what makes me today" he swings at the communicator shattering it into pieces

Peridot contemplating about what he said before accepting to be part of the crystal gems
Peridot:"do you guys have room for one more?"
They smiled except izuku who's still made but accepted it with a neutral expression

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