21. Could Be Better

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No one's pov
Everyone relaxed under the sunlight as the day slowly drifted to night
Laying there in harmony with each other days went by as they worked on the drill for the Cluster

Izuku watches as Steven sings songs and plays his ukulele, in thought of where he should re-plan his wedding with Garnet

Garnet shot him a glance as he was distracted, she moved to him and was about to hug him behind before he turned and lifted her in his arms
She was surprised by this outcome, she couldn't see his future after all

Izuku:"what got you so cuddly hmm?"
He smiled warmly and with a slight tease to his tone, Garnet smiled

A while later
It was night and the drill was completed
Garnet:"nice work"
She pats Peridot on the back
Everyone smiles for there accomplishment on the drill, izuku looks at them thinking how much have changed

Peridot:"we really did it huh"
Steven hugs her
Peridot:"wait I need to check on something"
She ran to the drill
Steven:"she come so far, it feels like yesterday she was trying to kill us"
Pearl was about to reply but izuku put his hand as a sign to shut up

Peridot:"coordinates, ww still need the Clusters exact coordinates" she appeared from inside the drill
Pearl:"there's a diamond base that may hold that information, but getting there is going to be difficult"
Steven looked at her
Steven:"how come?"
Izuku:"because it's not acceptable through warp pads" he pointed at the moon
Steven's face reflected amazement and wonder
As Steven asked lion to take them, izuku wandered off to another location

He walked and walked until he found a lab, degrading over time he walked in as the doors to the place were ruined
As he walked he saw a panel

Izuku's pov
I walked up to the panel and searched for my name, it took a while but I found it
What I found was an old file named gem fusion experiment version three

Suddenly the sound of foot steps are heard
I looked around seeing no one except myself
Until a memory came to mind


A Demantoid standing next to a panel, at her side was a Emerald, they were looking through the files of the panel, scared but curious

On the panel there was stated a experiment to be done, but there were two spots left
Two gems needed for experiment

Yellow Diamond never messed with the planet earth because it was Pink's, but in secret she was conducting experiments to make a suitable and powerful gem, one that can nullify the power of the Diamonds as a mindless solder

Yellow walked into the room, scaring the two smaller gems, she was furious to find them
Yellow:"what are you doing in my lab" her voice dangerously quiet
Yellow grabbed them and was about to shatter them until a thought came to mind

Yellow looked at the panel still furious but with a idea
Yellow:"you would do nicely" she smiled, not a kind smile but a twisted smile that sent shivers down there spine

They were sent for experimentation, they shattered them and used there shards to make a gem that looked like an actual gem
In the begining they couldn't tell who they are or what they are, they werw split
On upper body split off from the other but we're brought in by the gem in the middle

It took a few years but they became one, not Demantoid, not Emerald they were just izuku now
Yellow smiled wickedly, thinking about the possibilitys of having an army of them, but izuku looked at her with fury

He was furious about what they did to him
They had shattered him, he was never going to be the same, Yellow blasted him with an electric attack, he was unharmed by the attack

End of flashback

Izuku remembered this, he seemed sad and angry, his skin was a bit red, he lifted his sickles and swung at the panel splitting it in two

When he got back to the farm, he saw the gems there, Garnet seemed upset with something
Izuku:"are you alright, you seem frustrated"
Garnet looked at him but smiled, to her it was always nice how he worry's for everyone

Garnet:"it's just Peridot, don't worry"her smile true to there word
Izuku picked her up and later in the barn with her

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