23. A Day Alone

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Izuku's pov
Today was the day everyone was busy, either with a mission or personal problems
Today was mine and my lovely Garnet's date

We were planning to go to the big city so we can have time to ourselves and improve our relationship and find out new things

Today we were planning our date in empire city where I booked us a reservation in a fancy restaurant called The Modern Day

Izuku:"everything ready?" I turned to Garnet with a smile as she smiled back at me with a slight blush

Garnet:"were ready" the reason she stays fused is because in human culture that didn't like the idea of multiple lovers in most areas of the world, but to us gems we don't have such a law or rule so it doesn't really apply to us

I turned to Eri who was getting ready for bed
Izuku:"Eri were going out for a while so don't stay up long ok?" She nodded with a tired look on her face

Garnet:"izuku let's get going before we get there late and lose our reservation" she grabbed my arm and dragged me over to the warp pad
Izuku:"we have a warp to Empire city?" She nodded

While warping to Empire city, I put my arms around Garnet's waist and she hugged my neck since I'm slightly taller then her, we shared a passionate kiss, enjoying the moment given to us

When we finally arrive we were met by some guys in suits, they seemed surprised by our sudden appearance

Guy:"hey you the guy with the crystal on his chest!" I turned to him uninterested
Izuku:"do you need something?" He seemed angry about something
Guy:"what are you doing here, this is a sacred area!" I looked at him curiously before turning to the shrine behind the warp pad
Izuku:"what do you mean, this is our warp pad, it's not sacred" he got more angry from what I said

Guy:"what do you mean this is not sacred?!, it has a crystal pad for a reason, it's been there for over hundreds of years!" I turned away from him and continued our way to the restaurant

The place itself was comfortable and warm
Waitress:"hello sir, do you have a reservation?" I nodded
Izuku:"yes I have a reservation under the name of izuku no last name" she nodded before looking at a list of what looks to be a list of names and dates

Waitress:"ok Mr izuku, would you come with me to table nine" we followed her, even if we don't need food to survive it's still nice to spend time together

The waitress left for a moment before coming over with a menu and handed them to use
Waitress:"I will come back later to ask for y'all's orders" she walked away towards the other waiters/waitresses

As we picked I suddenly heard one of the waitresses talking about something
Waitress:*whisper*"I like that girls dress, it suits her a lot" she said to the other waiters

Suddenly the door to the establishment was kicked open by a guy with Rudy eyes and blond hair, he was wearing a simple black shirt with jeans and chains, he walked up to the waitress at the front

No one's pov
Blondy:"hey I'm here for my reservation" the waitress looked through the list
Waitress:"name?" He seemed to get irritated by this but didn't do anything
Bakugo:"Bakugo kibaru" she looked through the list for a second time before stopping on the name

Waitress:"I'm sorry sir but it says here that your late for your reservation so we had already given your table to the lovely couple that came here"
He seemed furious about this

Bakugo:"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM LATE?!" he started to yell at her, the fear was obvious in her eyes but she kept her composure
Waitress:"im sorry sir but all the reservations hours for today are full, you could make a reservation for tomorrow" he grabbed her by the hair before slamming her into the counter

Bakugo:"I WANT MY TABLE YOU GOD DAMN B#TCH" he continued to yell while the other waiters came to her assistants but were hurt by the Blondy

Izuku's pov
I got up from the table before walking with Garnet to help, the waitress was bleeding and the rest were bruised

Izuku:"what do you think your doing!?" She stood there before turning to us
Bakugo:"oh so you want some too ehh?!" She charged at me with his fists extending


The punch connected but the results weren't what he expected, the attack didn't fase me, he looked surprised but it didn't last long before he became infuriated with the results

Bakugo:"what about this!" He punched me again but with more force, there wasn't much difference
Bakugo:"what are you?" He took a step backwards before running off

(Bakugo ran away)
(You won, you gained 0 exp and 0 gold)

The waiters of the restaurant thanked us and gave us a discount for the next time we come to eat
It was pretty eventful but at least we spent time together, even if it was interrupted by that Bakugo guy

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