10. A strange message

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The sun is setting as we see the house of the crystal gems, izuku and Eri were on the couch as she reads a book

Eri:"Papa, I have a question" She asked with a curious look in her eyes
Izuku:"shoot" he said, Garnet in the background does finger guns and said "bang"
Eri:"what's marriage?" She asked with an innocent looking face
Izuku blushed a black color
Izuku:"well...marriage is when two people love, care and want to be with each other for the rest of their life" he said
Eri:"wel-" she was cut off by Garnet as she dragged izuku into the temple door

A while has gone by as Eri reads a book
Eri:'if a family is about two parents and their children does that mean my Mama is Miss Garnet?' She thought to herself as she read it

After a while of reading she finally got to sleep

Izuku walks out side, watching Steven and Greg play guitar, Garnet walks up to him
Garnet:"izuku what's this" she asked pointing at the small injector she was carrying
Izuku:"well I was trying to creat a gem child, like Eri so she wouldn't feel like she the only one" he said looking down
Garnet:"that ok just don't destroyed the earth, ok?" She said smiling

A strange sound came from the temple house
Izuku and Garnet ran inside
Steven ran in
Steven:"what's going on?!" He asked over the noise
Pearl:"it's the wailing stone, it suddenly turned on!" She shouted to him as Garnet is carrying the wailing stone
Amethyst:"it won't shut up?!" She shouted desperately

Garnet put it on the floor and hit the button on the top of it, she let go of the button and the wailing stone started to make the noise more intense
Pearl:"let me try!" She said bubbling it
Pearl:"it worked!" She said, the bubble burst
Still making the horrible noise
Steven ran to the wailing stone and plugged his arm into the hole in the wailing stone
The noise was coming out of Steven's mouth
Garnet got Steven's arm out of the wailing stone
Izuku plugged the noise with the couch cushions and pillows and Garnet put Steven on top of them
Garnet:"I don't understand, it haven't made a noise when we found it" she said looking at it
Pearl:"I haven't heard a wailing stone since the rebellion, and I've never heard it sound like that" she said pointing at it
Izuku:"someone is trying to send us a message" he said
Pearl:"but who?, we've already rounded up all the wailing stones on earth and we're not sending this signal to our selves, unless amethyst is this a prank?!" She said
Amethyst:"no, I want this to stop I don't like it" she shouted while grabbing her hair
Izuku:"if it's not coming from earth, then a gem must be sending it from space" he stated
Steven:"is that what some gems sound like?" He asked confused
Pearl:"no no, maybe the signal is too advanced for the wailing stone to process, that would explain the destorted audio" she concludes
Steven:"audio?, my dad knows how to make audio" He said with stars in his eyes
Pearl:"I don't know" she said
Izuku:"don't whine, let's try it" he said as Pearl glanced at him

With Greg
Greg:"need help, you came to the right guy" he said while holding a giant mic
He put the mic into the wailing stone
Greg:"now im going to add some reverbs and some fuzz now" he said
Pearl:"do you think a signal like this is compatible to your devices?" She asked
Steven:"don't worry Dad it'll work" he encureged
Greg:"well here goes nothing" he activated the sound, it was worse then before
Steven:"you can do it dad" he encureged even more
Greg fiddled with the devices, trying to make it work
Steven:"it sounds like music" he said confused
Pearl:"it's not supposed to be music, it's a message" she said frustrated
Greg:"ok hold on I got this" he said fiddling with it some more
Steven:"it almost sounds like a voice" he said
Greg:"a little more" he said, but the van started smoking and it stopped the sound
Greg:"ugh oh great" he said a little frustrated
Pearl:"what's happening, where's the signal?" She asked
Greg:"well it looks like the van battery couldn't handle all of this" he replied
Pearl:"I had a feeling this wouldn't work, there's just no way Greg's equipment can interface with our ancient gem technology" she stated
Steven:"ugh come on Pearl you can't be ready to give up yet" he said
Greg:"look we just got to keep trying, sure we don't have the latest or greatest gem tech but-" he was cut off by Garnet grabbing the wailing stone
Garnet:"it's ok Greg you tried, back to the temple will figure something else out" she said to the gems
Pearl:"this was a waste of time" she stated
Amethyst:"see you later Gregory" she jumped away
Steven:"oh come on y'all" he said trying to jump to them
Greg grabbed his guitar and sat on the sand
Greg:"I really blow it huh?" He asked to himself
Steven:"dad" he said
Izuku and Steven watched Greg sing in sadness
Steven:"dad I hate seeing you like this, there should be another way" he said trying to motivate him
Greg:"I don't know Steven, sound and stuff like this, it's my whole world and if I can't figure this out then maybe it isn't sound" he stated
Steven:"if it isn't sound then what could it be" he said looking around untill he saw the tv
Steven:"dad what if it's" he shouted right next to him
Greg:"Steven I'm not that far" he stated, steven pointed at his eyes
Greg:"magic eyes?...oh my God it video" he stated
They ran to the gems
Greg burst through the door
Amethyst:"were over here" she said sitting on the couch
Greg:"have som-" he was cut off
Garnet:"Greg it alright"
Greg:"no it's not, you guys don't give up on anything, except for me come on its not like i can make it any worse" he stated
They look at each other

With the van
Pearl looking at the van battery
Pearl:"go for it Garnet" she said
Garnet's hands generates electriccity
Pearl:"ok amethyst turn on the van
Amethyst:"never started a car with a key before" she said to herself
Amethyst giggles
Amethyst:"that's way easier" she said smiling
Pearl:"battery's ready to go" she yell to Steven
Izuku:"wailing stone ready" he stated
Greg:"ready with the video cord Steven?" He asked
Steven:"ready" he plugged the cord to the tv
Greg fiddled with the wailing stone
Greg:"just a second" he said
Steven:"I hear something" he said looking at the tv
The tv showed lapis
Lapis message:"Steven" she said though the tv
Steven:"lapis" he said surprised
Greg:"it worked!" He shouted
Lapis:"I hope your able to hear this, theirs a gem looking for you she even knew your name, I don't know how, I didn't tell her I swear, she's on her way to earth, and she's not alone, homeworld is not the same anymore, everything is so different, I can't understand it" she stated in panic
Pearl:"it's peridot, must be her" she looked panicked
Amethyst:"she's coming for us" she shouted
Steven:"lapis, she sounds so unhappy" he stated
Garnet and izuku looked at the tv with a shadow over their eyes
Izuku eyes shined a red tint
Garnet:"we got the message, thank you greg" she stated
Greg:"your welcome" he said
Steven:"my dad is the best" he said
Izuku continues to look at the tv with a empty look
Izuku:"let go" he said firmly.

The night sounds roll over them.

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