6. Passing time

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Izuku is seen cooking dinner for them as they check the galaxy warps and if there still inactive
Eri is seen playing with a few board games with a hologram of izuku

Hola-Izuku:"knight f-6" he moved the chess piece
Eri moved
They played for a while as izuku prepared the table

The warp pad activated
Garnet:"we're back" she smiled
Amethyst:"I'm going to my room" the door to the temple opened, letting amethyst in
Pearl:"what are y'all doing?" She asked
Izuku:"I finished making food for Steven and y'all" he said as pearl looked at the food
Pearl:"nevermind, y'all enjoy it" she walked to the temple door entering it
Izuku:"what's wrong with my food?" He questioned
Garnet:"pearl doesn't like food" she stated

As izuku, Steven and garnet eat, Eri is seen in the background stabbing the hologram of izuku with a blue knife

The next day
Izuku and Eri are seen as they are watering plants
Izuku:"that should be good enough" he said happly
Eri:"Papa, where's miss garnet?" She asked
Izuku:"well garnet may be on a mission or in her room" he stated
Eri:"can we go looking for her?" She asked him
Izuku:"sure, let's look in her room first" he starts to walk up to he temple door
His gem glowed as the door glows
Inside there is a green room with a green bed a board with photos, a desk, a wardrobe and finally a red and blue door with an arrow pointing down
They walk up to the door
Eri:"come on!"
As they walk down a flight of stairs
As they go to the bottom they see Pearl and garnet talking
Pearl:"their dangerous and you know that!" She shouted angerly
Garnet:"just because they have powerful abilities doesn't mean their dangerous" she said somewhat calmly
Pearl:"it's a small gem with the power to control time and a gem experiment that I don't know what kinds of motives he has!" she shouted
Garnet:"and what, they are part of the team!" She said with anger

The door to garnets room opened by amethyst and Steven
Steven:"pearl w- is this a bad time?"he asked with worry
Pearl:"no, what do you need Steven" she asked more calmly
Steven:"well, I have a gift for you!" He said happly
As Steven draged pearl out of the room, amethyst walks out too
Garnet sits inside of the lava pit
Eri gets down off a crystel pipe with izuku
Eri:"miss garnet, are you alright?" The smaller gem asked
Izuku:"is this a bad time or not?" He asked
Garnet:"no it's not, you saw everything didn't you?" She asked as she look at them
Izuku:"yeah, we did" he stated
Eri:"why doesn't she like us?" She asked with a sad look in her eyes and a few tears
Garnet:"well, pearl doesn't like y'all because she thinks you're dangerous...or she's just jealous of y'all" she stated
Izuku:"so...you want to come spend time with us?" He asked
Garnet:"sure" she said as she giggles a little

A while later
As they walk around a forest
Eri:"miss garnet, what type of gem are you?" She asked her
Gernet:"you can call me Garnet, and I'm not a gem but two gems" she said back
Eri:"how are you two gems?" She asked
Garnet:"well I'm a fusion of two gems, look" she shows her the palm of her hands, one gem on each hand with different cuts to them
Garnet:"I'm a ruby and a sapphire, like you" she stated
Eri:"what's fusion?" She asked again
Garnet:"fusion is when two or more gems are in harmony with each other and they form a stronger gem fusion off of it" she stated as Eri is seen with stars in her eyes
Izuku:"it's not only that, gems can fusion with love and not only harmony " he said adding to the information
Garnet:"like me, I'm a fusion that represents the love that ruby and sapphire have with one other" she smiled
Eri:"Papa love You, can Papa fuse with you?" She asked
Garnet:"I... don't know" she said thinking of the possibility as she blushes
Izuku:"I can, but I haven't in a long time so I'm rusty" he stated
Eri:"can I fuse with Papa?" She asked
Izuku:"yes you can, but right now no" he stated

The sun goes down as it gets dark
We see Eri sitting on the couch with garnet
Garnet:"ok Eri, we're going to practice how to she the future" she said
Eri:"ok, what do I have to do?" She asked
Garnet:"focus and look into the streams of rivers" she said
Eri nodded
Garnet:"there's multiple paths, pick one and follow it, what do you see?" She asked
Eri:"I see Steven in a spaceship and it looks like it's falling apart" she said
Garnet:"how far did you look into?" She asked
Eri:"just a few seconds, why?" She tilted her head
Garnet:"...Nothing, nothing wrong"

As they practice, izuku is seen cooking q meal for Steven
Steven walks into the house with pearl
Steven:"guys, guess what!!" He said with excitement
Eri:"You fell out of a spaceship" she said
Steven:"yes- wait how did you know?" He asked
Eri grabbed garnets shades and put them on
Eri:"magic" jazz hands
Garnet and izuku started to laugh from the cute moment
Pearl:"well time for bed mister" she said to Steven


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