Special: Valentine's Day

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(Human quirkless society au)

No one's pov

It was a lovely afternoon as Eri walked into the house with something behind her back, she wears a cyan back pack with a bag inside

Garnet was in the kitchen as she cooks dinner, while having a slight sway as she listens to music

She grabs the ladle before tastes the contents in the pot, and as a result grabs a shaker and puts a little bit of seasoning into the pot

Eri on the other hand was slowly creeping up to her, before leaping at her with her arms stretched out in an on coming hug

Garnet suddenly threw the ladle up into the air, before catching Eri in an embrace and coahgt the ladle on its way down

Garnet:"Eri, that was dangerous you know that right?" She hugged her daughter and scolded her

Eri:"I know but I was so excited to bring you this!" She opened her backpack before bringing out a box of chocolate's

Garnet:"aww thanks sweetie, don't worry mother has a gift for you too" she grabbed something from a pocket on her apron, and handed it to her

It was a wrapped candy apple with a ribbon on it, Eri's eyes lite up like Christmas lights as she looked at the gift

Garnet giggled in amusement as she watched her daughter put it on the table, that had gem stones in the middle, every gem was different, there was a Sapphire, a Ruby, an Emerald, and a Andradite, they were all neatly put as decoration's

Suddenly the door opened before someone walked in, they were carrying a bag and a plush toy

Garnet:"izuku, what's with the sudden mess of clothing you have on, let me help you with that" she walked to him before grabbing the bag and plush before putting them in the couch

She grabbed the edges of his suit and straitened them out for him, he grabbed her by the cheek and kissed her, she melted like butter and deepened the kiss, they separated moments later

Izuku:"well I got Eri and you a gift so happy Valentine's Day!" He grabbed them both before hugging them, they all laughed for a moment before having dinner

Later on Garnet and izuku were cleaning as Eri was sleeping soundlessly in her room

Garnet:"well I had a gift for you too" she walked over to the couch and grabbed s small rectangular box "here open it"

Izuku:"what is it?" He opened it with curiosity
Inside there was a small hoodie the size of a baby "love... This won't... fit me..."

She giggled slightly
Garnet:"it isn't for you..." She waited a moment for I'm to figure it out

Izuku:"if it isn't for me then... Don't tell me your..." She smiled softly with a tear in her eyes

Garnet:"yes it's true" he suddenly grabbed her by the waist before spinning her around and into a kiss

The end
Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm making more of these

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