27. The Palanquin

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Izuku's pov
I was traveling through the warp system on earth, looking for the unknown serge of energy through the area that appeared a few days ago

I gave up a while later and decided to go home

Getting home and was greeted by Pearl that looked very nervous and frightened
Garnet greeted me with a smile before kissing my cheek, and Eri hugged me

Izuku:"I'm back, what did I miss?" Steven holds a book open as amethyst looking at it

Steven:"Pearl and Garnet don't want to tell me what this is!" He shows the book to me as I analyze the image

Izuku:"that palanquin..." I felt sad and angry but I knew I couldn't let them go there, there's just too many things steven shouldn't know, but I also know that he needs to learn them eventually

Izuku:"well... The Palanquin is-" I was suddenly shut up by a kiss by Garnet, she turned around with a blush after separating, I was speechless

Garnet:"you can't go there!" She yelled embarrassed of her actions

Steven looked on with surprise before grabbing the book firmly

Steven:"... why not?" She stayed silent with guilt
Steven closed the book before looking at them with disappointment "I thought that going to tell me everything from now on

Pearl:"oh Steven-" she was cut off by him pointing at the image

Steven:"does this have to do something with pink diamond?!, i already know mom shattered her but what is it you can't tell me?!" He shouted with anger and frustration

Garnet:"please let's all calm dow-" she was cut off by izuku

Izuku:"he needs to know, if not then he will find out eventually so it doesn't matter" I turn to Steven with a frown "Steven the Palanquin is pink diamond's and that's where-" I was cut off by the sound of a blade

No one's pov
Izuku looked down as his eyes dilated and showed anger

It was Pearl's spear through his stomach area, he stumbled before falling to the ground

Pearl was behind him with the spear in hand, she suddenly put her hands on her mouth out of shock and fear

A yellow energy came from izuku's body and hit Pearl on the chest, she poofed the second it hit her

Steven ran out of the house with a frown and sat on the stairs, Garnet walked over to him

Garnet:"I can't tell you why you can't go, you'll just want to go more... I'm scared, I can't get near h-her..." A look of realization came from her

Steven:"her?, her who?!" He looked at her with worry but the curiosity overwhelming him

Garnet:"don't go... For them... For me..." He didn't respond but it was obvious what he was going to do

Steven:"...I wont" she nodded before he ran away

Garnet watched on as he ran to the carwash, suddenly izuku appeared behind her causing her to jump slightly

Garnet turned around with fright before being embraced into a hug by him

Izuku:"don't worry, I'll go with him" she nodded trusting in him

Izuku walked into the house before onto the warp pad and warped away

He appeared in korea
Izuku:"what to do, hmm?" He looked at the people and how they didn't judge him for his looks "weird" he walks around to spend time as he waits for Steven and Greg to arrive

He looked at a few jewelry and spotted a necklace with a moon crescent on it, he decided to buy it as a gift for Valentine's Day

Suddenly Steven walks into the shop before spotting him

Steven:"izuku!, how did you get here?!" He somewhat shouts before hugging him

Izuku:"I got here a while ago, I wanted to go with y'all to keep y'all safe" he smiled

A while later of playing and exploring they got the the Palanquin's location

Steven walked down the path with izuku as Greg carried the bags

Greg:"are you sure this is the right place?" Steven nodded and continued to walk the path

Steven suddenly starts to cry
Greg:"are you ok, it's happening again" he worries about

Steven:"I'm fine dad don't worry" she looked at the book with determination

They continue to walk and were met with a sign
Greg:"this looks familiar" he looked at the sign that said "no trespassing" and another one below that one with "please" on it in cursive

Izuku grabbed his sickles before making a clean cut throught he rusty metal
Izuku:"come on" he walks through the hole in the fence, thye follow after him

They stood in front of a blue palanquin, Steven and Greg looked on with surprise but izuku looked on with anger and frustration

Steven:"it's here... But it's different, the one in my dream was destroyed and pink"
Greg was about to say something but was interrupted

Izuku:"this isn't pink's... This is Blue's" they heard a whisper from another place

Their knees someone in a black cloke as they whispered to the pink palanquin with a Blue pearl with her

Izuku:"blue" he looked at her with confusion and a slight anger

Steven:"I was looking through her eyes, I was crying her tears" he said in realization

Footsteps were heard as the Blue pearl walked over to the bushes where they hid

B.Pearl:"I thought I heard someone" she looked through the bushes and was met with a green hand that grabbed her by the neck

B.Pearl:"my diamond!" She shouted, izuku came out of the bushes with Pearl in hand and reached for the gem on her chest

Blue:"Pearl!" She made an aura of blue appear, izuku looked at her with no reaction to the aura

Izuku:"that won't work on me, I've felt worst" blue looked surprised from the interaction

Blue:"wait... I've seen you before haven't I?" He looked on with curiosity " your that gem that one that protected the fusion from being shattered aren't you?" She looked at him with sadness

Blue:"your also the one to shatter diamonds aren't you?" She got up from her position before grabbing him

Izuku:"put me down" she brought him over to her palanquin before flying away

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