He just need attention..

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???:"Why are you always with that naughty guy? He is such a troublemaker!"

"He just need attention.."Ice mumbled.

"Alone again?"Blaze asked, looking down at him.

Ice rolled his eyes. "If you want to sit next to me,just do it. I don't care."

"If you insist."Blaze said and sat next to Ice,while trying his best to hide his smile.

"Next time just come to me,I don’t mind."Ice said and laid his head on Blaze's shoulder.

Blaze was surprised, but smiled sadly after. "Alright.."

"He's the first person that cared.."Blaze thought as he remembered his 'home'.


"Mama look!"little Blaze said as he held up a painting that he had made.

"Mhm,that's good."His mom said without even looking at it and continued talking with her coworker on the phone.

"But you didn't even look.."Blaze mumbled and left the room dissappointed.

"Maybe Papa will care..?"He thought as a little hope flickered in his heart.

"Papa?"Blaze said as he entered his dad's office room at home.

"Not now Blaze,I'm busy."His dad said. "Go play videogames or something, but don't bother me."

Again he was dissappointed and went into his room,locking himself inside.

"They are always so busy.."Blaze mumbled as tears rolled down his cheek. "Why won't they give me any attention?"

As years passed by,Blaze started to act naughty to get his parents attention. It worked, but in a bad way...

His parents was furious and dissappointed at him for his action, and would often punish him for it.

But really, no punishment was as bad as not getting any attention from his parents that he loved most..

"Not all 'naughty' kids are actually naughty. Some of them just need attention.."~Ice

Neglected Blaze AU :)

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