sweets for life

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"Ice!"Gempa snatched the plate of cake away from him. "You're sick, you can't eat sweets"

Ice grumbled and went to his shared room with Blaze.

"Let me guess, Gempa didn't let you eat sweets?"Blaze guessed.

He nodded and took out a stash of sweets from under their bed.

"I- How did I never notice them??"Blaze asked in disbelief.

"The floor is filled plushies"Ice replied.

"Good point"He nodded and sat next to Ice ad he snatched a package of sweets.

Ice stared at him with one raised eyebrow.

"What? I gotta get something for not snitching"Blaze reasoned and popped a candy into his mouth.

His twin rolled his eyes, turned on their shared TV and leaned on him while eating sweets.

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