how to be happy?-learn with Gentar!

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Gentar pov:

People often ask me how I'm happy all the time, and my answer is always the same.

Think positive!

'The way you see the world, determind how you feel.' Big brother Gempa used to tell me that all the time when I was upset. And you know what? He was right!

Trip over something? Smile cause you didn't get hurt!

Toxic people? Put distance between you and them. They are clowns, the annoying type,not the funny one.

Bad grade on a test? You can always try better for the next test!

Gossip? They are just jealous because they aren't you!

People call you weird? Ignore them and laugh with yourself! You're not weird, you're funny! They just have a different humor.

You feel like you're ugly? No silly! You're not ugly, you're just not your type. But you're surely someone else's type ;)

Mean/evil thoughts? Pinch your cheek and remind yourself that it's not nice. Even when you don't like that person. (Don't worry,karma will get them soon enough.) Better waiting then getting karma on yourself cause you did something mean ;) another tip is think about someone you don't like that would do this mean/evil thing. You don't want to be like them, do you?

Having a bad day? Think of the story that you get to tell your friends about it. And you will see that it wasn't as bad as it seemed,maybe you even laugh. Or think of how good it will feel once you're done with it.

Feel bad cause you think you're mean/rude? No, you're not! You were just protecting yourself from things/people that could hurt you. :)

You're being called childish? Who cares! Enjoy your life like you want to. No need to let go of your 'childishness' because you're supposed to be 'mature' now.

Trying your best to be included in things with your friends when they leave you out? Leave them. Why be friends with someone who doesn't care about you? You will feel much better without the constant fear of them leaving you or if you're 'not good enough' for them.

You feel like you're boring? You just haven't met the right person with the same humor as you.

There are many more, but the point is, think positive and you will see the world in a better way!

I'm so glad to have big brother Gempa as my brother, he never fails to make me smile. And big brother Hali for making me realize that I do not need to prove myself for anyone. (And that it's okay to fight back. Jk jk ;) don't tell Gempa our little secret!)

Gempa,Hali and Gentar sibling AU

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