evil or not?

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"Ufannn!!"Blaze shouted as he stormed inside Taufan's room without any warning, surprising him and making him fall off his bed.

"What is it this time?"Taufan said tiredly as he sat down on the floor.

"Read this!"He handed Taufan's a script.

"Don't tell me that you stole another script.."Blaze nodded at his guess which made him sigh. "And of course you're dragging me in it.."

"Of course!"Blaze replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"How did I know?"He thought and just sighed, knowing his fate was sealed with being scolded by Gempa and just read the script.

Not even five minutes later and he was already gasping dramatically.

"No way!'

"Right!?? That what I thought!"Blaze said.

"Who the heck thaught author how to write angst!?"Taufan exclaimed.

"How should I know!??"Blaze exclaimed back.

Suddenly a pillow went flying towards their direction and hit Blaze on the head.


"Be quiet! I'm trying to sleep!"Solar whisper-yelled with Ice next to him.

"Geez, no need to throw a pillow at me.."Blaze said as he handed Ice his pillow back.

Ice pouted and pinched his cheeks. "You left me alone.."He grumbled.

"Icyyy, I'm sorry!! Don't pinch my cheeks.."Blaze whined, but Ice kept pinching him.

"What's that?"Solar asked as he noticed the script.

"Blaze stole another of author's script."Taufan said and handed it to Solar.

Five minutes passed and Solar handed it back to him while nodding.

"No reaction at all??"Taufan asked.

"I say that it's angsty, perhaps a little bit dark."Solar replied.

"Unbelievable"Taufan said, dumbfounded by the lack of reaction.

"It can't be that bad."Ice commented, still pinching Blaze's cheeks.

"It is bad!"Blaze said unclearly, despite being pinched. "Author is evil!"

"It's just a story"Ice said.

"Our story" Blaze argued.


"What if people died in the story!??"Blaze reasoned.

"We literally did a story full of dead."Ice stared at him in disbelief. "You were even a pshyco there."

"I-"Blaze paused"good point."

"See? Just a story."Ice repeated.

"What if they wrote that Mr whaley died?"Blaze asked.

"Author is evil."Ice immediately replied without hesitation.

"I-"Taufan paused. "So if people died it's okay, but it's not okay if Mr whaley died?"

"Yes >:("Ice replied firmly.

Taufan stared at him in disbelief while Solar shrugged. "No comment"

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