game night with Blaze and Taufan

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A few minutes ago:

"Wanna play game with us?"Taufan asked.

"Sure, I have nothing to do amyway."Solar replied.


"What the hell happened!?"Solar asked as he stared at the screen.

It was Blaze's turn to play, and he was trying to catch the enemy but then the game suddenly crashed. The horse changed color, the enemy's body is invinsible and he can't see his weapon.

"I don't know, I was just trying to tie the enemy up :^"Blaze said innocently.

"Wha- then how did this happen??"Solar asked.

"I don't know >:^"Blaze replied.

"This lowkey look nice."Taufan claimed.

"You're right :^"Blaze agreed.

"Give me the controller. I will fix it"Solar said.



"Okay, I'm ba-"Solar paused and stared at the screen. "How the fuck did you become a criminal?"

"Things happen."Blaze replied as he ran away from the cops in game.

Solar turned to Taufan, but he only shrugged.

"Things happen."Taufan repeated.

A minute later:

"Imma take a short cut."Blaze said.

"There is a short cut?"Solar asked in confusion.

"Of course there is!"

Blaze continued to ride through the map until he almost fell into a cliff.

"Blaze!"Solar and Taufan shouted at the same time.

"Oopsie"Blaze turned around and tried to find a way to go down. "Now, where can I jump."He mumbled.

"What you mean jump!?"Solar asked.

"There, you can jump there!"Taufan pointed at a spot.

"Thanks!"He ignored Solar and jumped down a cliff, almost died at the process and ended up being chased by a group of criminals.

"Blaze what have you done!?"Solar panicked.

"Taufan told me to jump!"Blaze said as he ran for his life in the game.

"Because you asked!"Taufan defended himself.

After a break:

"Okay, my turn!"Taufan said as he took the controller.

He played for a few minutes when suddenly a group of men passed by while riding horses and shooting at the sky and screaming in game.

"Who are they?"Taufan asked.

"Probably troublemakers or criminals."Solar guessed.

"Kill them!"Blaze shouted.

"No!"Solar yelled.

"Okay :>"Taufan agreed and chased them, but they dissappeared.

"Aw.."They said in dissappointment.

Solar shook his head and did a facepalm. "Playing with them is more stressful than the game itself."

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