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Taufan:"Do you remember when you used to think that Blaze's name was 'Laze'?"


Taufan:"Pfft- it was so cute to be honest."

Ice:"I think that I was just dumb back then."

Taufan:"Don't say that, you were six."

Ice:"Exactly. Old enough to realize that it's not his actual name."

"What are you talking about?"Blaze asked as he entered the room.

"Just talking about the time when Ice thought your real name was 'Laze' instead of 'Blaze'."Taufan replied while holding back a smile.

"Oh yeah, I remember."Blaze chuckled as he remembered their childhood. "I was so uses to Ice calling me that, that I myself thought my name was 'Laze'."

"True, you were so confused back then!"Taufan chuckled while Ice grumbled quietly at the back.

"Blaze, let's play!"Taufan said excitedly.

Blaze blinked a few times and looked at him in confusion.

"My name is Laze?"He replied.

Now it was Taufan that was confused. "No, it's not. Your name is Blaze, not 'Laze'."

"No..?"Blaze said, unsure and confused.

"Yes?"Taufan said, as confused as Blaze was.

"What are you two doing?"Halilintar asked as he came with Ice on his back.

"Is my name 'Laze' or Blaze?"He asked.

"It's Blaze."Halilintar asked, not even wondering why he asked that question.

"See? I told you!"Taufan said.

"But Icy call me Laze all the time?"Blaze stated and looked at a confused Ice.

"Isn't that his name..?"Ice asked.

"Nope."Halilintar simply replied while the two twins looked at each other in confusion.
"We were so confused back then."Taufan said while chuckling.

"Right? Hali was the only one that seemed to understand everything."Blaze replied, also chuckling.

"But why actually did you call him 'Laze'?"Taufan asked as he turned back to Ice.

"I think it's because I couldn't pronounce 'B' and 'L' together, so I made it easier with 'Laze'."Ice explained.

"You still call me Laze from time to time though?"Blaze stated.

"Habits and it's easier to say."He replied.

Some explaination how it makes more sense.

-people rarely call Blaze by his name.
-small Ice never really noticed that Blaze was written with a 'B' since he rarely see his name on paper and didn't call him that either
-Ice first called his name at the age of two and kept that name up until then.

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