beautiful fire

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Ice's pov

I should be afraid of fire, but I'm not. In fact, I find it beautiful.

Fire, uncontrollable and destructive, yet I love it. Its color is so vibrant and strong, the way they dance along the wind is worth watching for, and lastly, its warmth that could aswell replace a hug is nice.

Just like Blaze, my opposite twin, fire is strong and dangerous, yet there's something beautiful in it just like his kind soul.

There are countless of times that people blamed Blaze for a burned building or destruction, which is half true.

Yes, he is the one who caused the fire. But no, he never meant to hurt anyone.

The same goes for fire. Fire itself isn't evil nor destructive, but the things around them or the one using them for evil are the one who made them like that.

A fire cannot burn something if there are nothing that could possibly be on fire around them. Like how Blaze isn't 'evil' simply because of his power, but because of the people around him pushing his limits.

Neither can a fire intentionally hurt someone. How can it when it is just an element with no soul nor mind? They simply exist and are guided by the things around them until they extinguish. And once again it resembles Blaze. He won't hurt anyone unless they hurt him first. His power is meant to protect himself and not the other way around.

No one would get hurt by them if they didn't mess around with them, isn't it?

Such things are easily forgotten, which is the reason why Blaze is seen as 'evil' or 'dangerous', when in reality all that he wanted to do was to protect himself.

Maybe I like fire because it reminds me of my twin, or maybe I just like them because It's beautiful and destructive at once.

Or maybe, it's both.

Meamwhile in the background:

Blaze: *dramatic gasp* "you really think so Icy!??"

Ice:"another word and I'm changing my mind"

Blaze:"Aww, come here" *hug him*

Ice: "idiot.." *obviously happy*

Blaze: "Tsundere >:>" *get smacked* "ouch!"

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