Here! now don't snitch!

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The house was a complete chaos like it always is whenever Gempa is not home.

Halilintar had just woken up from his nap and was about to call Gempa after seeing the mess, but then Blaze noticed it.

"Ufan, do something!"Blaze said in fear, not wanting to be scolded by Gempa again.

"Hali, wait!"Taufan shouted, but Halilintar ignored him.

"Don't wait!"Solar exclaimed despite being muffled by Thorn.

"Shh! Gempa going to scold us!"Thorn whispered.


Taufan quickly gave Halilintar two bags of cookies before he could even call Gempa.

"There! Now don't snitch!"He then gave Ice another two bags of cookies. "And you too Ice, don't snitch and just watch Solar's misery with Hali"

The two of them stared at the bad of cookies, glanced at each other and nodded, doing exactly what Taufan's said.

"You traitors!"Solar thought as he glared at them.

"Sorry not sorry"Halilintar said while eating cookies.

"He gave us cookies, you're out of luck today"Ice said in between munching.

"This two-!"

And so  Solar suffered from TTM while Hali and Ice peacefully ate their cookies and watched the free show.

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