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???:"Have you ever wondered why Ice never fight if Blaze is around?"

??:"Now that you mentioned it, why is it actually like that?"

???:"Because he only fights when Blaze is tired"

??:"I wonder why"

???:"Because he lets Blaze do what he wants, but would protect him if he is tired"

??:"Wouldn't working together be more effective?"

???:"Probably, but an angry brother is worse. What does someone feels if their loved ones are hurt? Mad. In summary, Ice is worse than Blaze"


New AU once again :D

Blaze pov: "As the older brother, I will protect my little Ice at all cost!"

Ice pov: "A soldier is strong, but even they need someone to protect them. No one and nothing can withstand the power of time, so I will be there if my soldier is tired."


Like in every AU, the opposite duo is very protective of each other. Blaze was the one that protected Ice when they were young, no matter how small the danger may be. Ice didn't mind his overprotectiveness and was just happy to be babied by his twin. However, he wasn't that happy seeing Blaze getting hurt and also noticed how Blaze became tired overtime. That was the moment when his protective instinct appeared. Whenever Blaze seemed tired, he would take action and let his twin rest at the same time. Blaze felt weird in the beginning since it was always the other way around, but overtime, he himself noticed how much he needed rest, not from protecting his younger twin, but rather from the world. Now he would silently go to Ice whenever he was tired while Ice took his place.


This a rencarnation AU. After Boboiboy died of old age, they were finally free and was granted the chance of living as a human being. They didn't have their memories until they turned eighteen. After receiving their momeries, they searched for each other and found a place they could call home.

They took after Boboiboy's appearance and was a completely normal human until they turned eighteen. They regained their power and immortality, but stayed a human, letting them have their powers without the fear of being captured and once again be use by an 'owner'.

No matter how long they've lived, Boboiboy still stays in their memory. They would often visit Kuala Lumpur and always celebrated Boboiboy's birthday.

Their freedom was something they never thought they could have, but this proved them otherwise. They look out over Boboiboy's generations, as they were grateful for him. Both because he was the first owner that was ever nice to them and because he was the reason they were even granted this chance of life.

Boboiboy was the one who set them free.

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