behind the scene 2

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Tiara:"Hm.. I think we need more humor.."

Ice:*snatch the script and sribble on it before giving it back*

The script:
-hit blaze
-give Blaze a smack
-another smack
-dialog: "Blaze's an idiot" 10×
-roast Blaze

Tiara: "Are you here to work or to bully your twin?"

Ice: "both, but mainly that"

Tiara:"I can't believe I'm paying you for this" *shakes head in disbelief*


"Ahh!!"Taufan screamed as he threw the books from the shelves towards the 'ghost'.

"Stop throwing them at me!"Halilintar yelled.

"Eh-? Hali??"Taufan stopped and took a good look at him.

"Who else am I supposed to be?"Halilintar said in an annoyed tone.


Meanwhile in the background:

Blaze:*laughing like there's no tomorrow*

Gempa:*shakes his head for the 100th time today*

Solar +Ice: *enjoying it*

Thorn: *confused if they are still acting or not*


"How do you know me..?"Solar acted his role.

"Pfft-"Blaze tried to hold back his laugh but failed miserably.

Tiara:"Cut! We need to record it again"

"That's it!"Solar didn't hesitate and kicked his older twin out of the room, locking the door to make sure he doesn't get in again.

"Hey!"Blaze whined. "It's not my fault that you look funny!"

"How was that funny!??"Solar shouted through the door.

"Not gonna lie, you look kinda pathetic acting that part out"Blaze blankly answered.

"Why you-"

"Here we go again"Halilintar sighed while Gempa massaged his forehead from the headache he's been getting.


"Can I pleaseeee play with your games?"Taufan asked and gave his best puppy eyes.

"Depends"Blaze said.

"I'll do anything!"He said without hesitation.

"Apologize to Halilintar"

"No way"He immediately said.

Blaze: *take out her phone* "Gem-"

Taufan: *snatch the phone and hangs up* "Now, now, we don't need to call Gempa, do we?" *say nervously*

Meanwhile at the back:

Thorn: *calling Gempa after seeing the scene*

(He was told to do so by Gempa, in case anything happens while he is away)

Taufan: "Thorn? Wait- no no no! Don't call Gemgem!"

Blaze: "do it!" *holding him back*

Taufan: "no!"

Blaze: "yes!"

Taufan: "no!"

Thorn: *is confused and proceed to call Gempa anyway, too afraid of disobeying Gempa's order*

Taufan: "noooo!!" *he whined after Thorn told Gempa everything*

Blaze: "Hah! Finally I'm not the one in trouble!"

Taufan: "I'll snitch on you!" *he huffs*

Blaze: "Don't you dare-"

Taufan: *looks serious and evil at the same time* "Oh yes, I dare"

And so, the two troublemaker started to have a fight until Gempa arrived and scolded them.

Tiara: "great entertainment"

Solar: "I know" *the one who was the actual cause of this whole scenario*

(Info: Solar gave Taufan a 'prank idea', showed off Blaze's new game and bribed Blaze to call Gempa beforehand)

Halilintar: *just woke up, wondering what the heck had happened when he took a nap to calm down after Taufan angered him once again*

Ice: *was asleep the whole time without a single care in the world despite the loud noises*

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