the interview

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Tiara:"What is your favourite series until now?"

Blaze:"Definitely 'meant to be together'.We had so much fun with the make up!"

Taufan:"I agree! But it took quite a long time..I'm glad that I don't have the roles of the 'victims'. They sit for hours, just to do their make up for a one time scene."

Thorn:"I like that series too, but the make up look so real sometime..kinda scary.."

Tiara:"I see, the three of you seem to like that series a lot." *look around* "where is actually your other siblings?"

Thorn:"Blaze put som-"

Blaze:*Cover Thorn's lips* "They sadly couldn't come to the interview."

Taufan:"Exactly! Kinda busy at home, you know?"

Tiara:"Okay...anyways, what do you think of the series 'The master's loyal servants'?"

Blaze:"It's great! But why is Icy so mean to me in the tenth chapter?"

Tiara:"Content thing. You know how Ice is. In the story he was locked there for hours, so it makes sense. Besides,he was more than happy to do the scene."

Blaze:"I guess.."

Taufan:"I love my role! I get to annoy Hali :>"

Tiara:"Yes, I figured that was your favourite part."

Thorn:"The storyline is great!"

Blaze:"Yeah! I still can't believe the pl-"

Tiara:*Cover his mouth* "shush! I didn't let you read the whole script for you to spoil it!"

Blaze:"Just a tiny bit??"


Blaze:"Fine..but make sure that I get my spotlight!"


Actor AU

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