smile little child

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Thorn's pov

It was a normal day like any other. I woke up, brushed my teeth, but then.. this stupid tears of mine flow down once again.

Just smile and everything will be okay.

I wiped my tears away, got ready for school and waited for my parents to end their argument before I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning sweety"My mother smiled at me and kissed me on the forehead. "Aww, look at my baby all grown up! Time flies so fast!"

Of course she acted like nothing happened. Afterall, a 'small' child like me is too foolish to notice anything.. right, a young and 'innocent' child..

As usual I plastered a childish smile on my face, giggling and acted like I knew nothing.

A dumb, dumb child.

My father laughed, we all laughed. Oh how fake everything really is.. such a sweet lie.

It's so sweet, it's so painful. A life so good as this, is as deceiving as it could ever be.

Packed all my stuff, they are so pretty, so small and so cute, just like me!

But they are useless too, just like me.

Before leaving my room, I looked over everything. Nice furniture, video games, my favourite plants, expensive clotches, yet.. none of them means anything to me.

No matter how much I have, no amount of things can fill the void in my heart.

Went to school, smiled and acted like I always do. 'A sweet and naive boy, too innocent for this world.'

But really.. who am I? Everything about me is fake, the real me hidden somewhere inside me, but I've long forgotten about it.

What kind of person was I before everything went down? Was I a good little boy like now? Or was I a mistake and a misfotune?

Who am I kidding.. of course the second one. The only real thing about are bad, which is why I never show it. If I was really a good child, then I wouldn't be suffering..

As for now.. just smile little child. Smile like you always do, show the people how 'naive' and 'good' you are.

Because bad kids.. is a mistake and dissappointment, just like me..

Smile and everything will be fine. Conceal the truth, show them what they want to see.

This is the same AU as the 'devil AU'. Maybe I will write the AU into a story, though I'm not sure, still deciding. -v-

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