welcome to pshycodemic!

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Solar pov:

Most people that know me find me 'weird', because of my obsession with science.

And recently, that obsession got me expelled(?) from school.

It wasn't even my fault..

Some stupid jerks decided to mess with my potion and blamed me for it, which the principal believed.

Now that I've been expelled, I have to to find a new school..

So troublesome..

I was checking my mails like I always do every morning, but I didn't expect to find a mysterious mail from an unknown school?

Hello Solar,

I am the principal of the pshycodemic academie. I have sent you this email, because I think that you are very well fit for our school. You have probably never heard of our academie since it's hidden, only the government know about us. Our academie is a place for all children with a special case or ability. And you Solar, your ability and obsession for science is perfect for our academie! If you like to join our academie, just pack your things and go to the subway and show this email to the personal, they will handel the rest. There are conditions(?) however. The moment you agree, there will be no going back and your not allowed to tell anyone about us, not even your family. If you do, then we have no choice, but to get rid of you. Think about it carefully, you have a week time for it before this email dissappears forever.

Your academie,

"This has to be a joke right?"I mumbled and read the email again.

I mean..I do need a school, and no school seems to want to accept me..


Five days passed by and after thinking about it, I decided to give it a try.

If it's true, then I will have a school to go to. If not then I will just have to continue searching for schools.

I did exactly what in the email was written and the personals led me to an underground train, away from all of the others train.

This is starting to feel suspicious.

The train was surprisingly filled with people. I didn't expect that at all..

"Hello!"A boy that sat next to said.

As much as I want to sit alone, the train is full, so I have no choice but to sit next to him.

"Hello.."I replied.

He looked at my suitcase and smiled. "Are you a new student?"He asked.

"Yes, I am."I replied.

"Great! My name is Taufan."He extended his hand and we shook hands. "What's yours?"

"I'm Solar."I said.

"Cool name you got there."He said happily and took a dagger out of his pocket as if it was nothing.

Intinctly I backed away from him, but he only laughed after seeing my reaction.

"Don't worry, students aren't allowed to kill each other."Taufan said and held up the dagger. "I just took it out to check on it. I bought it for my older brother as a present."

A dagger as a present? Where did he even get that??

"I see.."I said.

He placed the dagger away and leaned back on the seat. "Here a tipp. Don't be surprised by flying knifes. People loves to scare new students."

Is he being serious!? Is that even allowed!?

I guess he noticed the fear on my face, because he patted my shoulder. "Don't be afraid, no one will hurt you on your first day. It's a school rule."

After an hour we arrived somewhere I didn't even existed in the land map, but apparently it does.

We had to change from a train to a ship, and now we are on an island with a big school building on it.

Suddenly a student flew and hit their back on the ground.

What the hell?

"Yo Blaze!"Taufan said and ran to hug his friend.

"Ufan! I missed you!"Blaze said as he returned the hug. "A new student I see?"Blaze said as he looked me up and down.

I feel uneasy..

"Behave."A boy said as he hit Blaze's arm.

"Ouch! Icyyy"Blaze pouted.

"I'm not getting you out of trouble."Ice said firmly and Blaze pouted even more.

"You're back."Another boy said with a boy standing next to him.

"Yup!"Taufan said and hugged him. "I missed you too big brother Hali!"

Halilintar smiled a little and patted his head. "Here for you."Taufan handed him the dagger. "And this is for you Gempa."Taufan gave him a bag.

"Thank you."The two of them said.

"Ufannn"An adorable boy said as he ran up to hug Taufan.

"Hehe, hey Thorn."Taufan said as he hugged him back.

"I missed you!"Thorn said.

"Me too!"Taufan said.

After a while they turned back to me and smiled. "Welcome to pshycodemic academie!"

Inspired from my other book idea

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