I will show you evil.

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Taufan's pov:

I have an older brother, well had one. Everything was fine until it wasn't anymore..

That day was the reason why I became the way I am now.

It was just a normal day. I was annoying my brother as usual. We played together and chased each other. But then a group of military guards came and took my brother away..

They kept telling me that I'm 'safe' now, but how was I 'safe' when they took away my brother?

Of course I refused to believe them and demanded to see my brother. I expected them to deny it, but I didn't expect them to show his dead body to me.

It was horrible. I felt sick. But most importantly, I was mad.

How dare they do that to my brother? He did nothing wrong! Just because he has superpowers doesn't mean that he is evil!

Seeing his dead body was traumatizing, yet life changing. My whole perspective on the world and humanity changed as I seek nothing but revenge and justice for my brother.

They think that he was evil? I will show them what true evil is.

Since that day, I started to train every day and night, and eventually escaped the orphanage. Once I came back home, I found it ruined as only ashes had remained to what once was my 'home'.

My blood boiled and my hatred against them only grew stronger.

First they killed my brother despite being innocent, then they destroy my home? The only place that I had memory of my beloved brother?

They will pay for it.

As years passed I slowly killed more and more people. Not just random one of course, but the ones that deserved it.

Perhaps my soul was corrupted, or maybe I'm just seeking justice for my brother. Whatever it was, it was driving me insane and motivated me to kill everyone and destroy everything that had something to do with my brother's death.

When I turned sixteen, I found out that I too have a superpower like my brother does. So I did what was best. I used it to destroy everything and kill everyone.

At that point I didn't care who I was killing, but something in me still protected the innocents.

They just remind me of big brother Hali..

I won't be a monster like they are, but I will gladly be a monster that they will fear.

That way they will know what true evil is like.

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