I don't know what to feel..

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Sori's pov

"Thank you!"I said and smiled brightly after I manage to convince my parents to let me have a sleepover with my best friend, Frostfire.

This is what I should feel right? I should be happy after I manage to convince my parents, right?

"But remember, don't stay up to late! It's not healthy."Mom said and patted my head with a smile on her face.

"Okay!"My smile brightened.

But why do I feel empty?

I 'excitedly' ran to my room and packed my things for the sleepover tonight.

My smile is there, but I feel nothing. Nothing at all.

The sleepover was amazing! We had lots of 'fun'. It was indeed fun, even for me, but for some reason...I don't feel anything?

"I'm really sorry.."A friend of mine said after they ended our friendship.

"It's okay, I understand."


They then left to go hang out with who seemed to be their new friends.

Well that hurts. But at the same time...it doesn't?

That day I brushed it off like nothing and put on a smile like I always did.

Innocent, perfect and happy life, oblivious and understanding. That's my image.

"Did you have a good day at school?"My big brother Sopan asked as he picked me up from school.

"Yes, I did."I replied, a little less excited than usual.

He tilted his head and asked. "Are you okay?"

"Mhm, I'm fine."

Not a lie, yet also not the whole truth.

"If you say so."He patted my head. "If there is something bothering you, you can always tell me."

"I will!"I put up a smile and we went home.

Hours passed and I couldn't stop thinking about my friend.---now ex friend.

Shouldn't I be sad that I lost a friend? A close friend?

For some reason I don't really feel anything...I expected them to leave me, but it still hurts. Not much, but a tiny bit.

Do I really feel hurt or am I lying to myself like usual?

I Sori, have a habit of 'feeling' emotion like I'm 'supposed' to feel. If something good happen then I smile and when something bad happens then I frown. If the atmosphere is happy then I'm also 'happy', if not then I'm also 'not happy'.

It has been like that my entire life. Or maybe not? I'm not sure when it began, but at some point I forgot how to 'feel. It's either peaceful or empty, no happiness, no sadness, so sorrow nor excitement. Just...nothing.

Sometimes I feel like I'm a monster for it. Just like I do now... I just lost a close friend, but I don't even feel anything.. it feels so wrong yet so right.

Every emotion from me that everyone else see is just emotion that I display for everyone. For my image and especially for my family.

I don't want them to worry about me, nor do I want any unnecessary attention from everyone else. They should just believe that I'm perfectly fine.

However, there is an exception..

"Good night my little sunflower."Big brother Sopan whispered as he patted my head and left the room.

Big brother Sopan always manage to make me feel happy, even when it's just a little bit.

New AU 🎉

Big brother Sopan AU and Sori with mental issue AU.

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