Gem? Gem!?

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Blaze was helping---forced to as a punishment for misbehaving---Gempa with buying groceries when he got distracted by some toys.

"I will go to the ____ isle(?) okay?"Gempa said.

"Okay!"Blaze replied despite not hearing him completely since his focus was on the toys.

After a few minutes Blaze snapped away from the toys and went looking from Gempa.

"Where did he say that he will go again?"Blaze kept going around the store,but still couldn't find Gempa. "Where is he??"

Minutes passed by and he started to panic.

"Where is he?!?"Blaze kept looking around until he returned back to the toy isle(?).

"Maybe if I stay here then he will find me instead.."Blaze hoped.

Not even a minute later Gempa came while pushing a shoppingcart filled with foods.

"I'm done, are you done too?"Gempa asked.

"Yes.."Blaze replied.

They went to the counter and Blaze made sure to stay close to Gempa.

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