Don't touch my brother!

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"Come on, we won't hurt you."A man said.

"He is right. We just want to save you from that dragon."A woman said.

"No! I want my big bwother!"Little Blaze whined while stomping his feet.

"No, he isn't your brother. He stole you from your family."The woman explained gently.

"Liar! Liar! I want big bwother Hali!"Little Blaze whined louder and started to cry. "Huaa!! Big bwother Hali!"

"No, no,don't cry."The man said as he approached Blaze to calm him down.

A loud growled was heard as the alarm went off.

"Alert! The dragon is on rampage!"The alarm said.

The door suddenly flew open, revealing an angry dragon.

"Big bwother Hali!"Little Blaze shouted excitedly and ran up to him.

The dragon, Halilintar wiped his little brother's tear and held him protectively while glaring at the two adults.

"They kept welling me that we are not a fwamily."Little Blaze said sadly.

Halilintar growled as his anger rised. "Close your eyes."He commanded and Blaze did as he was told.

He killed them and ran off with Blaze while other people chased them.

"Why can't I kweep my eyes open?"Little Blaze pouted. "It not scawy!"

"Even so."Halilintar replied calmly despite the intense situation of escaping.

"But I don't want to!"Little Blaze continued to pout, but his eyes were still closed.

"If you bahave then I will get you more chicken."Halilintar replied as he landed in front of a cave.

"Otay!"Little Blaze giggled.

Halilintar placed him down and turned him towards the cave.

"Open your eyes and go inside our home."Halilintar commanded, before he turned around to see the people that chased them.

"He is my brother." He growled as the sky turned dark and lighting swords rained, hitting all of the people.

Dragon Halilintar AU and orphan Blaze AU

Halilintar doesn't have any parents and live on his own in the woods. One day he was searching for wood when he saw a baby in a basket. He was confused, but took the baby to the shore since the baby could die due to the waterfall nearby. He was thinking what he should do when the baby woke up and smiled at him, while also pulling his hair. Halilintar couldn't help, but smile at the baby's gesture. Everyone that saw him always feared him and immediately ran away. After that he decided to take the baby home. Ever since then they became a family. However, there are people that assumed, that Halilintar had taken Blaze away from his family, so they tried to get him. But until now, no one manage to do so.

Blaze:4 year old
Halilintar:16 year old.

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