safe person

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It was like any other day for Solar, experimenting for hours and doesn't stop until he is done. Today however, he couldn't focus on the experiment due to lack of sleep, but at the same time he couldn't fall asleep.

"Ugh.."He grumbled and looked at the door. "Fine whatever, just this once.."

He stood up and went to the livingroom, sitting next to his brother, Halilintar.

Solar leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes, feeling safe near his brother as his mind completely shut down.

Not even five minutes later, he fell asleep without any problem.

Halilintar turned his gaze to Solar and patted his head gently, making him fall into a deep sleep as his body relaxed at his touch, putting his guard down instinctly.

"Dream well sunshine.."Halilintar whispered and continued reading his book.
Solar's fun fact in my AU:
-he feels safe around Halilintar, so he let his guard down completely and stopped overthinking. He trust him that he would be safe as long as Hali was near him. (But of course he won't admit it)

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