let me take away your pain

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This is a different AU then the other reverse AU

Timeline after movie 1
Ever since that day Boboiboy would do his best to always keep his promises and make sure that he doesn't miss anything important.

While he did a good job, he also felt anxious. He didn't want to dissappoint nor hurt his friends again. And the fact that he almost lost Ochobot made him even more anxious as the memory were deep petrified in his mind.

Every night he was haunted with nightmares of that day and it made everything even worse.

His friends and family started to get worried since he was always so tired due to the lack of sleep and because he would often ask them if there was anything important happening.

He tried his best to reassure them, but it didn't work, because of his current state.

In the inside he was mentally drained and on the outside he was physically exhausted.

After two weeks of nightmares, sleepless nights, constant anxiety, overthinking and barely eating due to stress, something happened.

"Hello Boboiboy."A voice said as Boboiboy was about to sleep.

"Who are you!?"Boboiboy half-shouted as he looked around.

"No need to fear. I'm no danger."The voice paused and their voice changed with a hint of evil in it. "Atleast not to you."

"What do you want from me!?"Boboiboy asked, still trying to find the voice.

"Nothing."The voice replied, his voice back to normal.

"Then why are you here? Who even are you?"Boboiboy asked, his guard on alert.

"My name is Reverse."The voice said and suddenly apeared in front of Boboiboy.

He was the exact copy of Boboiboy, but his hair were white with a black streak in it and his eyes were red.

"And I'm here to take away your pain."Reverse said.

"Take away my pain..?"Boboiboy asked with doubt in his voice and was still keeping his guard up, ready to transform into one of his element.

"Exactly. I'm like..a protection mechanism? I exist because you're in pain."Reverse explained, but Boboiboy was still confused. "Just pretend that I don't exist. I only talked to you so you know what I do." He shrugged. "I'm just going to do my job don't worry."

Suddenly he dissappeared and reappeared in front of Boboiboy, being only inches away from his face.

Boboiboy couldn't react before Reverse poked his forehead with two fingers and his body suddenly felt numb.




Reverse took two steps back and floated, seeming like he was sitting on something.

"Better?"He asked.

"Yeah.."Boboiboy said, his voice filled with surprise. "What did you do?"

"I just took away your pain."He replied.

"Yes, but how?"

"I transfered your pain to me. Both mentally and physically."

"Transfered to you..?"Boboiboy paused. "Wait..does that mean that you are in pain instead?"

"Yes."Reverse replied, seeming not bothered by it at all as he tried to ignore all of the anxiety he was feeling.

"That's horrible!"Boboiboy said, feeling bad for him.

"It's fine. That's the whole point of my existance."Reverse replied.


Reverse stared at Boboiboy and looked at him in confusion.

"You barely know me, yet you feel bad for me?"He asked.

"Of course! I don't want you to suffer for me.."Boboiboy said.

That wasn't the answer that Reverse had expected at all and his eyes softened.

"As long as you're safe and happy, I will be fine."Reverse said. He went silent for a moment before he smiled a little. "So smile for me."

Then he dissappeared out of nowhere just like he appeared.

Boboiboy still felt bad, but he couldn't help but feel relieved. It was as if his worry never existed in the first place.

He was happier and without any worry.

The next day he went to school with a bright smile on his face, just like he used to. Everyone was confused at his sudden change, but they didn't mind it since they want him to be happy.

As months passed by, Boboiboy slowly but surely got closer to Reverse and he was the happiest that he ever been in his life.

He would often comfort Reverse when he took his pain and they often spent time with each other.

"I thought that I was destined to suffer my whole life, but I was wrong. The happiness that I feel when I see his smile was stronger than any other pain."Reverse thought as he watched Boboiboy helping people with a bright smile plastered on his face


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