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Blaze was bored when he found a script on the table.

"This must be a new story."Blaze thought as he read the first page.

"Seems like the usual."He thought as he continued reading, but then he read the last sentence of the page. "Wait what!?"

He continued to read, pages after pages, and he keeps getting hit by confusion.

"Wait- why??"He flipped to the next Page. "Wait a damn minute- did I miss something???"

Blaze looked through the previous pages,but didn't find anything.

"Guess not.."He mumbled and continued to read.

After a few minutes he gasped dramatically, not believing his eyes.

"He what!?"He shouted which caught Taufan's attention.

"What are you reading??"Taufan asked as he read the page. "What the- since when did Tiara write that kind of story??"

"I don't know. That's why I'm surprised in the first place!"Blaze said.

The two of them kept reading until there were no more chapters.

"Tiaraaaa!!"They shouted.

"Yes?"She asked.

"We need the next chap!"They said at the same time and held up the scriptbook.

"Ohh,that story. I don't have any ideas for the next chap,so you have to wait."She said as she took the script."And you're not supposed to read it either!"

"But it's so exciting!"Blaze said.

"Don't care. You're supposed to focus on your current story! I haven't even written the second chapter for the other story.."She mumbled the last part.

They pouted and continued to annoy her until Gempa scolded them.

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