entertain yourselves

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"You can't keep causing trouble all day!"Gempa scolded.

"But we're bored!"Blaze whined.

"Then play a game."Gempa suggested.

"We already played all kind of games. It's getting boring!"Blaze complained.

"Yeah! We did it, over and over, and over again."Taufan added.

Gempa sighed in frustration as he didn't have any energy left for them after dealing with their chaos the entire day.

"I don't know. Do something else then. Just..entertain yourselves!"Gempa said before he went to the kitchen to clean up since TTM created a chaos there.

"Entertain ourselves?"Thorn said as he tilted his head to the side. "How are we going to do that??"

"I'm not sure either.."Taufan sighed.

A minute of silent passed by when Blaze suddenly started to laugh.

"What's so funny?"Taufan asked in confusion.

"Remember that time when we pranked Hali? We pfft- and then he pfft- "Blaze said, not being able to speak properly as he kept laughing.

Taufan was confused for a second before he remembered of the countless of times they pranked Halilintar and his priceless reaction, and he too started to laugh.

"I still don't get it??"Thorn said, being even more confused than before.

"It's that pfft- one time pfft-"Taufan couldn't stop laughing. "Last week!"

"Last week?"Blaze said in between laughs. "I thought last month!"

The two of them kept laughing while Thorn thought about the times they are laughing about.

After remembering the pranks they had pulled on Halilintar, Thorn also joined them.

They kept laughing and reminding each other of all of their previous pranks that they had done to their siblings as their laughs increased.

"That one time- pfft-!"Taufan laughed louder while holding his stomach.

"Oh my god- my stomach hurts!"Blaze said while laughing and hitting Taufan.

"Mine too!"Thorn added as he laid on the floor laughing uncontrollably.

Minutes passed by and they were still laughing, which slowly turned concerning.

"How can they still laugh? It's been an hour.."Ice said.

"Did you give them any laugh potion?"Halilintar asked Solar.

"Why would I do that for?"Solar replied while staring at TTM. "Maybe they got something weird in their food?"

"Could be.."Halilintar agreed.

"When I said to entertain themselves, I didn't mean to laugh nonstop for an hour.."Gempa thought as he stared at them in disbelief.

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