behind the scene

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"How could you!? I loved you,I trusted you! Yet you did this!?"Taufan yelled at Halilintar.

"I'm sorry.."Halilintar mumbled.

After a second of silent, Taufan hugged Halilintar tight. "Huaa!! I'm sorry!!"

"Taufan, we are acting.."Halilintar said while patting his head.

"Still! Huhu,I sound so mean.."Taufan whined and hugged him even tighter.


"Blaze you idiot!"Ice said and hit him.

"Hey! You're supposed to hit me gently!"Blaze whined as he rubbed his head to sooth the pain.

"The hit is supposed to look real."Ice shrugged.

"Not that real!"Blaze argued.


"So, Thorn has to look like he hasn't showered for a long time?"Taufan asked and Tiara nodded. "Alright! This should be easy."

Taufan took a bucket of mud and dumped it on Thorn.

"Taufan!"Gempa shouted and shielded Thorn with a wall of earth. "With make up not real dirt!"

"Oops- I forgot."Taufan laughed akwardly.

"Big brother Taufan is mean.."Thorn pouted.

"E-eh,don't pout! I'm sowwy!"Taufan hugged Thorn and patted his head.

"I'm telling Hali >:("Thorn said.

Taufan gasped dramatically and gave him the puppy eyes. "Nooo,he will ground me!"


"Ti."Blaze said.

"Yes?"Tiara asked.

"Can I read the script?"Blaze asked.

"No."Tiara said firmly.

"Why not??"Blaze whined.

"Because you will spoil it!"

"A tiny spoil is okay!"



"I'm going to give you less spotlight."



Solar was minding his own business as he talked to his follower on live, but then they started to spam calling Halilintar when he passed by.

"Ugh..always Hali."He grumbled while Halilintar just smirked behind his phone where the follower couldn't see.


"Okay cut! You can stop pretending to be dead now Ice."Tiara said.

"Zzz.."Ice snored.

"Not again.."


Interviewer:"What is your favourite part in the series?"

Ice:"Hitting Blaze."

Blaze:"I knew it!"


Taufan:*read the script* "One word. Why?"

Tiara:"One word. Tension."

Taufan:"I thought this was a friendly series."

Tiara:"I changed my mind."

Taufan:"This is the fifth change already.."

Tiara:"I know."

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