suffer with me >:>

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Blaze:"Ufannnn, wake uppp!!" *shake him*

Taufan:"What is it..?" *yawn*

Blaze:"I can't sleep, so let's play!"

Taufan looked at the clock which showed 5a.m. and burries his face on the pillow.

Taufan:"It's too early. Just try to sleep."

Blaze:"I told you that I can't!" *shake him awake*

Taufan:"Too earlyyy.." *falls back asleep*

Blaze shook his head and went to the bathroom to take a small bucket of water and dumped it on Taufan.


Blaze:"Awake yet? :>"

Taufan:*look at him in disbelief* "why me? Why not Ice or Hali??"

Blaze:"Why not?"

Taufan:*look at him with a blank expression*

Blaze:"suffer with me >:>"

Taufan: *hic* "fine.."

Blaze:"Yay!" *drag him outside*

*a few hours later*

"Hmpf! You're leaving me out."Thorn said while pouting.

"Aw,don't pout! We can play together!"Blaze said while jumping on the trampoline.

Thorn:"Okay :3" *join him*


"Why me...?"Taufan thought while he just laid down on the trampoline while Blaze and Thorn jumped on it.

In the background:

Halilintar:"Looks like he targetted Taufan today."

Ice:*nods in agreement*

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