why do care of them so much?

218 14 1

???:"Why do you care about them so much?"

Solar:"Why wouldn't I?"


*after an argument*

Solar hesitated, but decided to sit next to Halilintar as if nothing had happened.

He wanted to apologize directly, but his pride wouldn't let him.

"Here."Halilintar said as he gave him a bar of chocolate.

"Thank you.."Solar said quietly as he took it, feeling akward by the atmosphere.

Just then, Halilintar suddenly patted his head.

Solar looked at him with confusion while Halilintar seemed completely unbothered.

"Tsundere."Solar thought and smiled a little as he realized that Halilintar had already forgiven him.


"What's wrong?"Taufan asked.

"It's nothing.."Solar mumbled, not really hearing Taufan's word as he was deep in thought.

Taufan's tilted his head and saw the sheet of paper in Solar's hand with a detailed explaination of his presentation.

"I'm sure that you will get an A in your presentation."Taufan reassured.

"Of course I will-!"Solar quickly said since he didn't want his brother to notice his nervousness.

He might be a genius, but sometimes he needs a little reassurance and encouragement too, even if it doesn't seem so.

"I didn't doubt it for a second!"Taufan smiled.

"Mm.."Solar pretended to read his paper, but he was actually very happy for the assurance.


"Hm.. huh?"Solar stared at the plate of his favourite snacks in front of him and took the warm blanket off him.

"Where did this come from?"Solar asked himself, but then he recognize the blanket.

A light brown blanket, which gives the same feeling of a warm hug from his older brother Gempa.

"He must've seen me fell asleep.."He smiled and ate the snacks.


"Caught 4k."Blaze said which surprised Solar.

"Wha- how did you even enter the lab!? I put security systems!"Solar wondered.

"No security can stop me!"Blaze said proudly while Solar looked at him in disbelief. "Anyways- time to sleep! It's late."

"Then you should also be asleep."Solar claimed.

"One word, insomia."Blaze said.

"Right..."Solar mumbled.

"You forgot didn't you?"Blaze asked.

"Yup."He replied.

"I figured. Oh welp, you need to sleep!"

"Just a few more minutes!"Solar reasoned.

"No way. Either you go to sleep or imma snitch you to Gempa."Blaze threatened.

"I hate you.."Solar grumbled as he went to his bed.

"Love you too. Goodnight."Blaze said as he left his room.

"Idiot.."He yawned. "I guess I really do need some sleep.."


"What are you doing?"Ice asked when he saw Solar treating a wound.

He flinched and quickly hid the medical kit behind him. "Nothing! Now get out of my room"

Ice raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but didn't ask any further.

"That was close"Solar sighed in relief.

Later that night, Solar went downstaire to get some snacks when he saw Ice enter the house with bloody hands.

"And where did you go?"Solar asked while analysing his older twin's hands.

"Ketchup"Ice lied and washed his hands.

"Is he even trying-?"Solar thought to himself as he watched his twin in disbelief.

"Go to sleep. It's late"Ice said.

"Does Blaze even know that you were gone..?"Solar asked.

"What do you think?"Ice asked back while he dried his hand with a piece of clotch.

"Yes?"Solar guessed.

Ice shrugged and just went inside his shared room with Blaze, leaving him clueless.

Solar sighed, already guessing what had happened.


"Sunshine?"Thorn called out.

"Huh-? Oh, Thorn.. what do you need?"Solar asked while trying to sound less tired than he actually is.

"You've been working for hours! You need to take a break."Thorn stated while puffing his cheeks.

Solar's heart melted at the sight of his adorable twin, but he still refused.

"Why not?"Thorn asked with sad puppy eyes. "Is it because you don't want to hang out with me, so you rather work..?"

"No!"Solar exclaimed, and lowered his voice afterwards. "Okay, I will take a rest.."

"Yay!"Thorn happily took his hand and lead him outside, knowing how much his twin loves to sleep under the warm sunlight.

And just like that, he fell asleep under a tree while Thorn covered the sunlight from touching his eyes.

"Hehe, got'ca"Thorn chuckled, feeling happy that he manage to make his twin rest.

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