the difference

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Not a 'family'/never met AU:Blaze

When he is sad:
"They are so mean! I hate them! I hate them all!"Blaze said in between sobs as he punched his pillow. "Hiks...why is everyone so mean to me..?"

Anger issue:
"Calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down.."Blaze kept repeating it in his head like a mantra, trying to keep his anger under control, but failed and ended up lashing on people around him.

"I-I didn't mean to.."Blaze mumbled as he tried to approach them.

"Get away from me you freak!"His classmate said and ran away.

"I didn't mean to.."Blaze thought and wiped the tears in his eyes.

"But they started it!"Blaze shouted.

"Enough!"The principal said firmly. "Look at what you done to them! They are injured! Either you keep your temper under control or you will be kicked out of school!"


"Out!"The principal yelled and pointed at door.

"Fine.."Blaze grumbled and complied.

"I didn't do it!"Blaze kept saying, but no one believed him and left him.

"But I really didn't do anything.."Blaze mumbled as he watched his 'friends' leave. "Why won't anyone believe me..?"He sobbed.

When he is sad:
"Hiks..I hate them! I hate them all!"He said in between sobs.

"They're just jerks. Forget them, they aren't worth your time."Ice said as he patted his twin back.

"But why? They are always so mean to me! It's always me..."Blaze sobbed and hugged his twin.

"Some people are just evil and like to hurt people."Ice said and comforted his twin until he felt better.

Anger issue:
"Ouch!"Taufan winced as Blaze pushed him harshly to the ground with his fire hands, burning a little of Taufan's skin in the process.

"I-I'm sorry...I-I didn't mean to.."Blaze said with guilt in his voice as he approached him, his anger replaced by guilt and worry.

"It's okay, don't worry."Taufan smiled and patted Blaze's head.

"But I hurt you..?"Blaze said.

"It's fine. I know that you didn't mean it."Taufan chuckled and stood up. "Besides, it will heal. And with Thorn's magic even faster!"He said in a joking manner patted Blaze's head again. "Don't be sad, I will be fine."

"Okay.."Blaze mumbled.

"Now,now, don't frown and smile!"Taufan said and Blaze did as he asked. "Wonderful! That's much better."

"He started it!"Blaze shouted, but the principal didn't seem to be convinced.

"I can prove it."Solar said and showed him the prove.

"He was just protecting our brother Thorn."Gempa said and showed the bruise on Thorn's arm.

"Thorn, is this true?"The principal asked and Thorn nodded.

"He wanted to hurt me, but big brother Blaze protected me."Thorn said firmly.

"I see, then you may leave now. I will talk with him."The principal said.

After a week.

"Oh wow, they must be scared of the principal. They didn't bother me not Thorn again."Blaze said.

"Seems so."Halilintar said as if he didn't know anything, despite being the one that had threatened the bullies.

"My brother would never do such a thing!"Taufan said and stood in front of Blaze.

"There are proofs that show otherwise."The teacher said.

"Then it must be fake."Ice said firmly and glared at the teacher.

"I doubt it."The teacher looked at Blaze. "You have to go to detention for two weeks as a punishment."

"Then you have to punish me too."Solar said.

"And me!"Taufan added.

"Me too."Ice chimed in.

"Are you three sure? It will be in your reportcard. Especially you Solar, it would ruin you perfect reportcard if you do so."The teacher said

"I don't care about that. If he gets punished, then so will I. He did nothing wrong, nor did I. If he has to go on with this unfairness, then so will I."Solar said firmly while Ice and Taufan nodded in agreement.

"Fine, if you say so."The teacher said, feeling a bit touched by them, but has to keep their strict face as it was their job.

Outside of the teacher's room.

"I can't believe you would do such a thing."Blaze's 'friends' said and left.

Blaze looked at the floor, feeling sad that his friends didn't believe him.

"Ignore them. Friends like them are trash."Ice said while patting his twin's back.

"Ice is right! They aren't worth it!"Taufan agreed.

"But.."Blaze mumbled.

"If they were true friends, then they would know that you wouldn't do such a thing."Solar said.

"I guess so.."Blaze replied.

"Don't be sad! You still have us."Taufan grinned as he wrapped his arms around Blaze's shoulder.

"Yeah, you're right!"Blaze smiled.

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