I want my twin!

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It was a wonderful day. The birds were chirping, the sun is shining, perfect weather, a good rest, but then...

"Mhm.."little Ice yawned while still keeping his eyes close. He streched his arm to poke his twin to annoy him like any other morning, but he couldn't feel him at all.

"Hm?"He opened his eyes and looked at the entire room, but he still couldn't find his twin anywhere.

"Laze..?"Little Ice kept looking around the room hoping that his twin would magically appear as tears slowly increased in his eyes.

Little Ice sobbed, finally accepting the fact that his twin wasn't there and hugged his whale plushy tightly as he cried and the temperature in the room dropped drastically.

In the meantime, little Blaze was in the garden, demanding to see his twin, but his dad wouldn't let him.

"Come on, just for a few minutes Blaze."His dad pleaded.

"No! No! No!"Little Blaze shouted while stomping on the ground as fire surrounded him.

"Please? You can't be with your twin the whole time. You need to learn to be away from him, just for a little bit."His dad explained, but it only made him angrier.

"NO!!"He yelled and the fire started to grow dangerously.

"Wait- Blaze calm down!"His dad tried, but little Blaze didn't listen to a word he said and kept screaming 'no' at the top of his lung.

"I will go get Ice."His mom said and quickly went to the twin's room.

She shivered the moment she opened the door. The room was half covered in ice and snow while little Ice cried silently on his bed.

"Shh, it's okay."His mom hugged him despite freezing."Do you want to see Blaze?"

That caught his attention and he looked at his mom with the saddest yet most adorable and hopeful eyes ever.

"Weally?"He asked.

"Yes, really."His mom carried him to the garden and placed him down.

"Laze?"The moment little Ice spoke, little Blaze immediately stopped screaming and he ran towards him through the flame as if it was nothing.

"Icy!"Little Blaze hugged him tightly as if his life depended on it while Ice sobbed in his arms.

"Don't cwy, I will beat dad up!"Little Blaze comforted.

"E-eh?? Why me?"His dad asked.

"Dad make Icy cwy, so Laze beat dad up!"Blaze said while glaring at him, but his glare was more adorable than scary.

"Aww, so sweet!"His mom said in awe.

"Sweet!? Honey, he threatened me!"His dad complained.

"That's your own fault. I told you that it was a bad idea."The mom stated.

Amato just sat there, crying internally because his wife 'scolded' him.

"And that's why no one ever tried to seperate the two of you ever again."Taufan explained.

"Why don't I remember that?"Blaze asked while tilting his head in confusion.

"We were four years old dumbass!"Ice pinched his twin's cheek gently.

"Owieee!"He rubbed his cheek. "I miss the small and adorable Icy! >:'("

"Too bad. That Icy is forever gone."Ice said, which made Blaze sulk.

"Huhu...Icy was so sweet to me.."He placed a hand on his chest and sobbed dramatically. "Oh where did the time go?"

"You ruined it."Ice suddenly replied which made Blaze drop his jaw to the floor.

"What- no, I didn't!"Blaze claimed.

"You did."






While they fought, Taufan watched the two of them with Halilintar.

"They used to be so adorable!"Taufan whispered and Halilintar nodded in agreement.

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