'perfect' child

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Ice pov:

I have always been the 'perfect' child for my parents. Good grades,good behaviour,good everything.

"You're life is so perfect!"

"I wish I was you.."

Everyone say that, but really, I rather not have this life.

The loving parents that I once had, turned into a strict parents who always expected the best from me and blame everyone and everything if I ever did something 'bad'.

I want my loving parents back..

That is my main reason to why I hate being 'perfect', there are countless of other reason other than that.

Ever since then, I started to envy everyone who had supporting parents who would comfort them for getting bad grades or failing something.

My parents? They would just complain to my teachers, claiming that they hadn't teached me good enough and would also hire private teachers for me, so that I will stay 'perfect'.

And that is also why I'm so interested in Blaze. He is the school's most troublesome kid, yet he seems so happy. But I'm not blind like other people, his faceade doesn't trick me.

I hate people since they always annoy me. They either want me to help them with something since I'm so smart and 'perfect',or they make fun of me because they envy me.

But for some unknow reason, Blaze like to annoy me the most. Was it because my parents give me so much 'attention'? Was that why?

Whatever his reason was, I ended up actually enjoying his company...he was the first person who genuinely wanted to be my friends and not just use me for exams and homeworks.

As much as he annoys me, I somehow never resented him for it...perhaps because his reason were so pure? Or was it his true smile that reminded me of my old self?

I don't know about that, but I definitely know that I had grown fond of him.

He is like a brother that I never had.

'Perfect' Ice AU. This is related to the neglected Blaze AU ^^

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