Chapter 1

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I should feel excited but all I can feel is the breakfast that I just ate trying to come back up. Today is my birthday. There is no reason for the nerves. My brother will be meeting his dragon for the first time, and I will finally know what magic I will specialize in. We are dragon shifters. Our clan is highly thought of amongst our kind. Our magic is one of the strongest if not the strongest. Dragon shifters magic is already stronger than any of the other magic that is out there. Our clan is just blessed with some of the strongest dragon magic. "The ceremony will be held right at sundown." I heard my mother say as she walked by the kitchen table where I was sitting. I looked up and watched her as went to the sink and put something in it. I just nod. Not that she noticed. She is the elder of our clan and had high hopes for her children. My brother took precedence at this ceremony since he would be receiving, for a lack of a better term, his dragon. Female shifters are so uncommon that they are believed to be a myth. I read once that if there was to be a female shifter then her dragon would be twice the size of any male and at least twice as powerful. Wouldn't that be nice. I mused to myself. "Yasmin did you hear me?" My mother called out. I quickly nodded that I had even though I didn't hear a single word that she said.

I only had a few things left to grab here and I will be completely moved out of my parents' place. I decided to rent a place in town and away from the clan. I didn't want to be a constant reminder of disappointment to my parents when they realized that I didn't have a dragon. I found a decent job and since everyone knew about magic and shifters of all kinds I didn't have to hide any magical abilities that I might show. I am a vet tech. Even as young as 25. I only had a few more classes to take to get my diploma but that is just a formality. I have been working for a few months and have been able to put some money back. After my practical non-existent talk with my mother, I get the empty cardboard box and go to my old room. I look around the almost empty room and a wave of nostalgia crashes over me. "I have no time for that." I say softly. I go to the now empty closet and grab the few things from the top of it and stuff in the box. I went to the shelf on the left side of my bed and carefully grabbed what few nick-nacks I have. The books go on next. The very last thing is my most precious possession, the music box my grandmother gave me when I was five. I set it on top so that nothing happens to it, and it gets broken. I came out of the now completely empty room and met my dad. "You got everything sweetie?" The soft roar of my father's voice brought me out of my melancholy thoughts. I look up and smile. His dragon, Mandrem liked to steal dads voice whenever he could. "Hello, Mandrem." I laughed. His golden eyes flash through dad's blue ones. So, I knew that he heard me. "Are you going to need any help?" My dad asked with his voice this time. "No dad I don't." I say with a smile. "I have to go." "I need to go get some sleep. I have to work early in the morning. I say and give him a quick kiss on the check and head out to leave. "Have you seen your brother?" My dad asked me right as I got to the front door. I stiffen. "No dad, I haven't seen him since I moved out." I say and try to keep calm. I couldn't figure out why I was so tense. It's not like me and my brother didn't get along because we did. I actually miss seeing him everyday since I moved out of the house. He is waiting to see what his dragon is and what his place in the clan will be before he moves out and on with his life. Okay so maybe I am just a little bit jealous of my brother.

I made it to my apartment in one piece. Which is surprising considering I don't remember the drive. "I really need to quit stressing this damn ceremony and just live my life." I beret myself as I pull into the parking spot in front of my apartment. I walk around to the passenger side and grab the box from mom and dad's place. I lock the car and walk a few feet to my front door. I unlock my door and walk in, finally able to breathe normally and relax. I set the box on the end table just inside my door. I close the door and lock it back. I go and veg out on the couch watching some True Crime series. After a few episodes I start dozing off instead of watching tv. I get up and make my way to bed. It doesn't take me long to fall into a heavy sleep.

I woke up with an odd feeling from a dream I had. It was one of those dreams that grabs a hold of you and doesn't want to let go. I got up and got ready for work and school.


I make it back to my apartment and go straight to bed. Visiting my mother always leaves me drained. I pick up the book laying on my nightstand. "ah just what I need to unwind from a stressful and long week of work and college classes, and let's not forget that ever so all consuming dinner with my mother." I whisper as I open the book to where I left off. I am having trouble concentrating on the words on the page. I have this odd sensation that I need to go somewhere and meet someone. I shook it off and forced myself to read once again, but it was useless. That sensation is strong, and I have no idea where it came from or where I am supposed to go or who I am supposed to meet. I am a single woman living in my own place. I shake my head and chalk it up to the enormous amount of stress I have been under. Surprisingly it didn't take me long to fall asleep.

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